GMAT OG13逻辑句子改错解析

2022-06-09 01:15:47

  GMAT OG13逻辑句子改错解析!想要在

  The commission has directed advertisers to restrict the use of the word “natural” to foods that do not contain color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, or nothing that has been synthesized.

  (A) or nothing that has been

  (B) or that has been

  (C) and nothing that is

  (D) or anything that has been

  (E) and anything

  (A)or nothing that has been

  【错误】 句子意思:根据日常逻辑,“natural” 的食物不含“任何”被合成的东西,应使用“anything”,“nothing”会造成双重否定,在此处语义荒谬。

  (B)or that has been

  【错误】 平行结构:定语从句“that has been synthesized” 前方有“or”,说明是平行结构之一,但其语法结构上不能和“color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives”平行(定语从句无法与名词性结构平行,语法功能不一致),逻辑含义上不能和定语从句“that do not contain……”平行,因此无法平行(“food”不是被“synthesized”,修饰关系不成立)。

  (C)and nothing that is

  【错误】 句子意思:见(A)。

  (D)or anything that has been

  【正确】 “anything”与表否定“do not contain”含义上正确匹配。

  【大意】 委员会引导广告商将“天然”限用于不包含任何颜色和调味添加即或任何被合成原料的视频。

  (E)and anything

  【错误】 句子意思:本选项使用了“and”但“contain color or flavor additives”、“chemical preservatives”和“anything that has been synthesized”之间应为“或”的关系,而非“且”。



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