
2022-05-30 15:27:21





  《雅思听力60大高频场景》全书分为5章和两个附录,第1章是罗列了一些雅思听力要点笔记,为备考雅思的学生指点迷津。第2~4章中包括了60个话题,根据难度分成了3章,分别是基础听力(收集历年雅思听力真题Section 1的15个高频话题)、提高听力(收集Section 2和Section 3的30个高频话题)和冲刺听力(收集Section 4的15个高频话题)。第5章中是8套真题,用以检验考生的学习效果。




  Topic 5 咨询购买保险

  Part 1

  TheHealth Insurance Resource Centre is designed to help consumers make informed decisionswhen purchasing health insurance for themselves and their families.

  Thecentre provides basic information on various types of health insurance plansavailable, and up to date information to evaluate and compare various healthinsurance options and companies. We’ve also included links to other websitesthat provide relevant information to help consumers make informed and reasoneddecisions.

  TheNew York Consumer Guide to Health Insurers contains a ranking of HMOs andhealth insurers based on complaint statistics and enrollee satisfaction surveysand includes information on the number of successful appeals to independentexternal review agents. These appeals result from decisions to deny benefitsbased on medical necessity grounds or classification of procedures asexperimental or investigational.

  Wehope that the information provided will assist you in your efforts to learnabout the health insurance.

  Part 2

  Lifeinsurance cover provides a lump sum to your family in the event of death orterminal illness of the life insured. Life insurance is available to peopleaged between 17 and 69 and can usually be renewed until the policy anniversarydate before their 99th birthday.

  Termlife insurance helps to protect the life insured’s family by providing a lumpsum in the event of death, which could be used to meet needs.

  Addup all your current debts to one figure and this is our starting point. Fromhere, depending on individual circumstances, we might add in educations cost ofchildren, funeral costs and medical expenses. The last but not the least pointto take into account is the future income requirements to the family. This lastpoint is very important as many families struggle to survive after the death ofthe main income generator into the family.
