
2022-05-31 02:25:02

  Section 1新题,婚礼场地预定,咨询类场景,题型为表格填空题

  本部分为新题,考查内容较传统,题型也是section 1中最常见的表格填空题。由于双方时间和具体细节需要商榷,过程中产生了一些答题陷阱,考生需要多关注连接词和数字,注意对信息的筛选。相关咨询场景可参考剑桥系列C6.1.1.

  1-10 Completion

  1. Telephone number: 3784775 (中间数字表达用的 double 7)

  2. Wedding date: 27th February (陷阱:原来定在 January 后来确定 2 月 27)

  3. Type of wedding: reception (陷阱:男的说他们的 ceremony 在另一个 hall 举办,这次举办的是 reception)

  4. Preferred holding place: in the park

  5. 70 guests (他们之前说要定在 under 50, 但是最终确立了 70)

  6 with some grass for children (for kids to play)

  7. A view for photographs

  8. The revenue renting should have enough parking

  9. His fiancee(未婚妻) will deal with the catering (准备吃的喝的, council 无需提供任何酒水食物,cater:supply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets 为聚会提供酒水食物)

  10. There will be two opinions:... (given 给出) and long beach

  Section 2新题,活动介绍;多选+地图题


  11-14 Multiple choice

  11-12 舞蹈课程送什么

  11. class list

  12. shoebag

  13-14 舞蹈课程讲授的内容

  13. informal dance

  14. talk on history

  15-20 地图题

  Section 3新题,孩子们对课程的评价;配对题7+单选3


  21-23 配对题考题缺失

  24. Teacher recommend Dina to study:C

  A manufacture B product quality control C marketing

  25. Suggestion from the tutor? 
To gain working experience

  26. Dr will provide which material for her?

  A good contact with employers

  B write a reference letter

  27-30 Matching

  Tutorial system- positive experience

  Library – lots of information resources

  Class group- create disagreement

  Printer/its service- not necessary

  Section 4 新题,加拿大矿场;填空6+表格题4

  此题讲述在加拿大的Cape Breton Mining矿场的历史,有一定的词汇难度,相关地理文化的历史介绍方面的复习文章可参考剑桥系列C6.3.4

  31-40 Completion

  31. Move the first coal from the cliffs

  32. If we want to increase the production it needs the development transport system

  33. More people came, and they came to work every year from spring.

  34. The population was reduced in rural areas

  35.... Production slowed increased until on 19** till the booming mine accounted for 40% of Canada’s coal

  36. The miners mainly came from the Scotland and Italy

  37-40 Table completion

Item Description Advantages
Grease torch
37 Candle in a holder
Davy Lamp Fitted link with a 38 lock Fewer 39 accidents
Carbide Lamps Contained certain material that mixed 40 water can sparkle shinning yellow light The gas burned with a yellow-white flame and called it acetylene

