
2022-05-30 00:53:00


  Section 1

  Conversation 1

  1.Why does the man need the professor's help?

  A.He does not know the location of his general orientation session.

  B.He lost the invitation to the engineering department's orientation session.

  C.He cannot locate the building for the engineering department's orientation session.

  D.He needs help deciding which area of engineering he should specialize in.


  解析:(原文中)Professor: Can’t find your orientation session?

  Student:Uh-huh. What a way to begin! Lost going to orientation. ... You’re right, the general ones. I went to one of those sessions earlier today. But now I need the one for my major, engineering. My schedule says the meeting room is in ... Johnson Hall? In the engineering department, which should be right here in front of us, according to the map? But this building is called the Morgan Hall.

  从以上对话能够看出,男生知道 general orientation session 的地点,只是找不到这个地点。

  2.What is the cause of the man's problem?

  A.He did not allow enough time to find the location of his orientation sessions.

  B.He did not receive the orientation materials on time.

  C.He is not using the most up-to-date map.

  D.He made a mistake reading his map.


  解析:(原文中)Student: I got a second pack in the mail more recently with another one of these maps in it. I guess they must have the updated name. I left that one in my dorm room.


  3.Why was the building given a new name?

  A.To acknowledge a large donation from a prominent engineering graduate

  B.To honor an important professor who retired recently

  C.To represent the engineering department that moved into it

  D.To honor a former student who became an astronaut


  解析:(原文中)Professor:Well, things change fast around here. This building was renamed after one of our professors. She retired a few months ago. 从上句话可知,改名是为了纪念一位退休的教授。

  4.What is man's attitude toward his new university?

  A.He is impressed by the architecture of the buildings.

  B.He does not value its long tradition in aerospace engineering.

  C.He thinks it needs a more efficient orientation program.

  D.He believes it will help him become successful in his chosen field.


  解析:(原文中)Professor: Unfortunately, I thinks his ideas are going out of style. Science kept marching forward.

  Student:I’ll say it does. That’s why I transferred to this university. I was really impressed with all the research equipment you guys have at the laboratories. You are really on the forefront.


  5.What does the professor imply about aerospace engineering students?

  A.They have more possibilities for jobs if they take additional math courses.

  B.Many of them eventually teach math courses at other universities.

  C.Many of them have unrealistic expectations about becoming astronauts.

  D.They are not required to take a math course for a degree in the department.


  解析:(原文中)Professor: ... A major in aerospace engineering with a minor in math, you’ll go far with that degree. More of our students should do that. There are so many more opportunities available in the field when you have a strong math background.教授很明确的表示,有较强数学背景的学生能在该领域有更多的机会。

  Lecture 1

  6.What is the purpose of the lecture?

  A.To explain how the heliocentric theory of the universe developed

  B.To give an example of the persistence of traditional theories

  C.To show that scientific knowledge is rarely influenced by philosophy

  D.To compare methods in observational and theoretical astronomy


