
2022-06-14 13:34:55


  Lecture2(united States History)


  1. What is the lecture mainly about?

  a. The growth and influence of historical institutions in the early United States

  b. Facts and myths about Christopher Columbus

  c. New information about events that occurred during Columbus’ explorations

  d. How Columbus' story was used to help create a national identity for the United States

  答案: D

  破题关键词汇:mainly about

  解析:(从第1秒开始,原文重现:It's interesting how much we can learn about culture in the United States by looking at how Christopher Columbus has been portrayed throughout United States' history.)


  2. According to the professor, why did John Pintard promote the commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of Columbus' landing?

  a. To encourage patriotism

  b. To demonstrate his own wealth and influence

  c. To lessen the influence held by the leaders of the American revolution

  d. To correct what he claimed were mistaken beliefs about Columbus

  答案: A

  破题关键词汇:promote the commemoration

  解析:(从第1分06秒开始,原文重现:Well, to Pintard it was a way to build patriotism in the young, politically fractured country.)


  3. What were two contributing factors to the selection of Columbus as a United States national hero?

  Click on 2 answers.

  a. His writings were popular at the time

  b. He had no connection to the rulers of Britain.

  c. The leaders of the revolution did not want to be considered heroes.

  d. Few people were more famous in the early years of the United States.

  答案: B, C

  破题关键词汇:national hero

  解析:(从第1分38秒开始,原文重现:And Columbus, he felt Columbus could become a story that Americans could tell each other about their national origins that was outside of the British colonial context.

  从第2分03秒开始,原文重现:The leaders of the revolution were the natural candidates to be heroes, but many were still alive and didn't want the job.)


  4. What does the professor imply about the facts of Columbus’ life?

  a. They were not relevant for Pintard's purposes.

  b. They are an important part of early United States history.

  c. They are not presented accurately in Columbus' own writings.

  d. They were researched thoroughly before his selection as a national hero

  答案: A

  破题关键词汇:imply, Columbus’ life

  解析:(从第2分58秒开始,原文重现:True. To be historically accurate, the way Pintard thought about Columbus doesn't match up with the facts of his life at all.)


  5. What is the professor’s attitude toward studying what she calls the "mythical Columbus"?

  a. It is a good way to discover facts about Columbus’ explorations.

  b. It is a way to learn about the society that created the myth.

  c. It is likely to cause confusion among those who want to learn United States history.

  d. It is not as interesting as doing research into the writings of Columbus.

  答案: B

  破题关键词汇:attitude, mythical Columbus

  解析:(从第3分54秒开始,原文重现:Exactly. And this mythical Columbus, it became a reflection of the society which chose him.)


  6. Why does the student say this:

  a. To question the accuracy of the professor’s statement

  b. To ask for examples of mistaken beliefs about Columbus

  c. To propose an alternative explanation

  d. To find out if he understood the professor's point

  答案: D

  破题关键词汇:Since no one knew much about the real Columbus, it was easy to invent a mythical one?

  解析:(从第3分33秒开始,原文重现:And since not a lot of facts were known about Columbus, because writings weren't available in North America until...until 1816. That might have actually helped the process of adapting him to American purposes.

  从第3分49秒开始,原文重现:Since no one knew much about the real Columbus, it was easy to invent a mythical one?)



