
2022-05-30 04:55:12


  在听力对话中大家可能有印象听到过学生动不动就提到my classmate/ friend/ roommate等等遇到了类似的情况或者如何解决了什么问题等小故事。这个其实就是学生在拿其他人的事情举例来说明自己的情况或者观点。

  比如TPO8第一篇对话中1分49秒左右,学生说My classmates, um, some of my classmates, did this for an easy way to meet their intermediate course requirement, but I did it to get the kind of depth in those topics I was going for. As it turned out I really enjoyed the field work, it was a nice supplement to just sitting and listening to lectures.


  3. Why does the man mention his classmates?

  A. To explain how he obtained information about field research

  B. To point out that many students like to do field research

  C. To show that it is difficult to get intermediate-level credits

  D. To emphasize his motivation to do filed research in two of his courses





  例如TPO9的第一个对话20秒左右教授说:You're absolutely right. Before entering academia, I worked as a scientist for several food manufacturers and for the US Food and Drug Administration. I even worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska a couple of summers while I was an undergraduate. We'd bring in the day's catch to a floating processor boat where the fish got cleaned, packaged and frozen right at sea.


  2. Why does the professor mention his previous jobs?

  A. To explain why the woman should study physics, math, and chemistry

  B. To recommend that the woman get a summer job on a fishing boat

  C. To point out that industry jobs can lead to a teaching career

  D. To confirm an assumption the woman made about finding a job

  其实这题解答有两个提示的地方。一个就是教授对学生刚刚说的话的评价,也就是这段中教授说的第一句话,很具总结性的一句话:You are absolutely right.抓住了这一句,那也就不难选出这题的正确答案选项D,就是支持学生之前的观点。但是万一没注意到第一句话,那还有第二个提示,也就是这段小故事本身。

  大家要有意识这里教授的故事会出题,而题目基本不会考例子本身,而是考例子起什么作用。所以不要忙于记录例子本身的细节,而应该集中精力把这个故事大意听明白。教授拿自己的例子就是问了表明或支持自己的观点,而这里听完例子基本可以理解到这段是说自己以前的两份工作,而且都是和food有关的工作,并没有都在讲fishing boat或者提到teaching,所以还是有可能选到正确答案的。

