
2022-05-30 17:17:38


  1. 特征或人物比较(Features & Characteristic)

  例如TPO 17 L4 – Octopus Defensive System 章鱼的防御系统。章鱼会改变它的颜色、质地、大小形状。文中都出现了相对应题目, 重点要记下每个特征是如何运作。

  例如TPO 13 L3 – Poetry 诗歌。文中有提到Chanson (香颂)Hero 和Romance Hero的特征。比较两种诗歌中主人公的特点。香颂诗歌的主人公主要是为国家为君主而战,他们的勇气和忠诚被人们称赞,而浪漫主义诗歌的主人公则是为了冒险和提升自己。

  2. 因果关系内容

  每次听力考试有4个LECTURE内容, 所以因果基本的内容一定会出现, 也当然是常见的出题点 。原因类的词汇除了Because之外, 还有 as a result, therefore, thus, since, the reason is that, etc. 以上只是一部分例子. 但学生要了解,一切转折词都是辅助作用, 不能完全依靠它们来做题。

  TPO 13 L3

  Why does the professor mention that romance poems often included biographical sketches?


  And we know a lot more about the troubadours than we do about the Chanson authors, because they often had small biographical sketches (小传)added to their poems that give more specific information about their social status, geographical location and a small outline of their career.


  3. 举例的内容

  这一类听力题目常常会出现在观点组织题里面, Why does the professor mention…………?空格里常出现的都是放中提到的一个例子, 再问学生为什么教授要提到这例子, 这需要我们了解该例子对文章的作用。

  TPO 7 – L3

  Why does the professor mention French traders who arrived in the Iroquois region?


  And this efficiency of birch bark canoe also made an impression on newcomers of the area.

  French traders in the 17th century modeled their… well they adopted the design of Iroquois’ birch bark canoes, and they found they could travel great distances more than 1500 kilometers a month.

  文中说到,对于新来到这地方的人, 这种树皮做的独木舟的便利性给他们留下很深刻的印象。 然后就介绍到新来的人就是法国贸易商,与题干互对应上, 说起他们采用了北印弟安人做独木舟的设计。

  例子往往出现在观点组织, 而这题型我们就需要往前看找出答案, 所以我们得出, 教授举出FRENCH TRADER 的例子是为了说明独木舟设计是如何有效率的这一个论点(And this efficiency of birch bark canoe also made an impression on newcomers)。所以答案是C. To support her point about how efficient the Iroquois canoe design was.

  以上是对托福听力有着辅助的作用, 但我们最终目的是把文章听懂,根据清晰有条理的笔记来作题, 希望以上的技巧都辅助大家考高分。
