
2022-06-05 08:02:45


  Lecture 3

  1. What is the lecture mainly about? 【主旨题】

  A Early influences that shaped the career of Theodor Seuss Geisel

  B The use of Dr. Seuss books in modern elementary schools

  C The literary and artistic approach of Theodor Seuss Geisel

  D Two prominent authors of twentieth-century children’s literature



  解析:(从6秒开始,原文重现:Today we'll start looking at the most important children's book authors of the twentieth century. And I'd like to start with an author illustrator whom some of you probably grew up reading: Dr. Seuss.)

  此处需结合选项,排除干扰选项来判断。原文提到今天要介绍的是关于作者Dr. Seuss,他是二十世纪时儿童书籍的作者。A选项的shaped the career 错误;B的 use of Dr. Seuss books错误; D的Two prominent authors错误。因此正确答案为C,Theodor Seuss Geisel运用的文学与艺术手法。

  2. According to the professor, why did teachers oppose using Dr. Seuss books in the classroom during the 1950s and 1960s? 【细节题】

  A Teachers thought the books were boring

  B Teachers associated the books with play rather than schoolwork

  C Dr. Seuss books used vocabulary that was not on the Dolch list.

  D Dr. Seuss books could not be used to teach subjects other than reading.


  破题关键词汇:1950s and 1960s

  解析:(从41秒开始,原文重现:In the late 1950s and even through the 60s, US teachers resisted Seuss's books because they perceived them as having a comic book style...fine, maybe, but not...not appropriate for the classroom.)


  3. Why does the professor mention the citation awarded to Geisel by the Pulitzer Prize Committee? 【目的题】

  A To emphasize how long it took for Geisel’s literary contributions to be appreciated

  B To emphasize the difficulty of writing books that appeal to both children and adults

  C To explain how authors of children’s literature were typically honored

  D To explain why Geisel’s books finally became popular


  破题关键词汇:Pulitzer Prize Committee

  解析:(从1:05秒开始,原文重现:Although the Pulitzer Prize committee did give him a citation in 1984 for his...uh..."special contribution over nearly half a century to the education and enjoyment of America's children and their parents." But again, that wasn't until 1984.)

  此处利用Although转折引出Pulitzer委员会在1984年时的确给了Geisel嘉奖, 但是直到1894年他才收获这个贡献奖。突出时间非常久,对应选项A。

  4. What does the professor say about Geisel's work as an illustrator?(Click on 2 answers) 【细节题】

  A Geisel's approach to drawing scenery is more sophisticated than it first appears

  B Geisel’s style was strongly influenced by earlier illustrators of children’s books.

  C Geisel’s human characters all look very much alike.

  D Geisel’s style is widely taught in art schools today.



  解析:(从1:54秒开始,原文重现:Geisel also illustrated his own books and created a lot of highly memorable characters from a visual standpoint. Yet as far as his artistic talent, no one's ever called him a great artist or a great illustrator. For his human characters, he pretty much drew the same face over and over. ;从2:26秒开始,原文重现:His landscapes, on the other hand, they are simple but they are also extremely clever. He had this uncanny knack for creating the illusion of great distance with some very simple shapes and lines.)


  5. What was the connection between Geisel and John Hersey? 【细节题】

  A Their writing styles were remarkably similar.

  B They collaborated on an article about teaching children to read

  C Hersey’s article inspired Geisel to write a new kind of book.

  D Hersey wrote a novel that was inspired by Geisel’s career.


  破题关键词汇:John Hersey

  解析:(从1秒开始,原文重现:Geisel actually wrote it in response to an article written in 1954 by an acclaimed novelist named John Hersey. …After seeing Hersey's article, Geisel must have wondered what

  made the books so dull. And one thing he found was they use only

  words from the Dolch List.)

  此处提到Geisel对John Hersey写的文章做出回应,Geisel在读了John Hersey的文章后产生了想法,对应选项C。

  6. What is the professor’s opinion of Geisel’s book The Cat in the Hat? 【态度题】

  A It is effective because its characters are people and animals rather than imaginary creatures

  B it would be a better teaching tool if it had more challenging vocabulary.

  C It wrongly encourages children to break their parents’ rules.

  D It cleverly presents moral issues in an entertaining way.


  破题关键词汇:The Cat in the Hat

  解析:(从4:33秒开始,原文重现:Brilliant! There aren't too many authors who can set up a moral dilemma like this and then get children to think about it for themselves.)

