雅思口语part3 范文,考官给出bad answer vs Good answer

2022-05-29 22:18:49

  雅思口语part 3应该怎么做答?大家都知道雅思口语三个部分的难度是循序渐进的,因此part 3 是口语最难的部分。什么样的答案是ok的,什么样的答案是不被推荐的?接下来就是带来的雅思内容:雅思口语part3 范文,考官给出bad answer vs Good answer


       雅思口语part3 范文


  What do you think about the way languages are taught in schools in your country?

  bad answer

  In my school we learned English and it was taught really badly. I think it's firstly because the teachers themselves were not native English people, and their English was not perfect. So they taught us to say some things incorrectly, and also they could not always say things clearly so we could not learn good pronunciation off them.

  Good answer:

  In most schools in my country, English is the main language taught. I think it is actually taught quite badly because many of the teachers are not native English teachers. A good example is at my school. The teachers themselves were nearly all Korean, not native English people, and their English was not perfect. So they taught us to say some things incorrectly, and also they could not always say things clearly so we could not learn good pronunciation off them.

  在上面这个good answer中,考官先谈论了国家整体情况,然后拿自己的学校做了一个例子。这是一种很好的扩展方式,

  以上为带来的雅思内容:雅思口语part3 范文,考官给出bad answer vs Good answer,希望今天的内容能够带给同学们思路上的引导和延展,get到part 3的答题方法。
