托福TPO38口语 Task4听力+阅读+题目

2022-06-06 14:32:20

  TPO38口语文本,一共有六个task,今天备考资料之TPO38口语 Task4(听力+阅读+题目):Phoresy。希望大家有针对性的有计划的规划备考。多做题,多积累、多研究、向着自己的目标不断靠近!

  托福口语TPO38 Task4(听力+阅读+题目):Phoresy

    Reading Part:


    Animals often have to move from place to place toobtain resources. Most animals do so using theirown physical effort, but animals of certain speciesmay not be able to transport themselves efficientlyin order to access the resources they need. Theseanimals may make use of another animal species to transport them, without causing anyinjury to the other species. This relationship is known as phoresy. Phoresy, which is atemporary relationship, benefits the passenger species and causes little or no harm to thespecies doing the transporting.

    Listening Part:

    Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a biology class

    So, here's a good example of this. Mites are very small, insect-like creatures. Mites live in tropical climates and feed on nectar and pollen and flowers, but these tropical flowers don't last long. They wilt and fall off quickly and so the mites need to find new flowers in order to get more nectar and pollen to eat, but the mites can't fly and they are so small that it would take them awhile and a lot of effort to climb down one flower, crawl to another one, and climb all the way up again. So, how do they get to the next flower? Well, there's a bird: the hummingbird. Hummingbirds eat the nectar from the same flowers as the mites, so when a hummingbird comes around and sticks its beak into the flowers to get the nectar out, the mites quickly climb onto the hummingbird. Well, as I mentioned, mites are pretty tiny, so the hummingbird isn't harmed in any way and all they do is stick to the hummingbird. Since the hummingbird also goes from flower to flower for nectar, it takes the mites along. Once the hummingbird gets to the next flower, the mites climb off and eat some pollen and nectar there on the new flower. Without the hummingbird carrying them from one flower to another, the mites would find it much more difficult getting food.


    Explain how the example of the mite and hummingbird in the lecture, illustrates the concept of phoresy.

  以上就是今天网带给同学们的是托福口语备考资料:TPO38口语 Task4(听力+阅读+题目):Phoresy。帮助大家有针对性的有计划的规划备考。预祝大家托福考试取得理想的成绩,读到自己心仪的大学!

