
2022-06-05 17:28:40


  Among the Tsonga, a Bantu-speaking group of tribes in southeastern Africa, dance teams represent their own chief at the court of each other, providing entertainment in return for food, drink, and lodging .

  A.the court of each other ,providing entertainment in return for

  B.the court of another and provide entertainment in return for

  C.the court of the other ,so as to provide entertainment as a return on

  D.each other’s court ,entertainment being provided in return for

  E.another’s court and provide entertainment as a return on

  正确答案: B


  (C)(E) in return on 错误, in return for 正确; (A)(D) each other 指代 plural noun (dancers), 意味每个dancers都拥有 court, ILLOGICAL; (B) CORRECT;注:(D) NOUN being : AKWARD

