
2022-06-12 06:18:54

  accustomed to sth/doing sth的用法


  有一个点考得是accustomed to这个idiom,选项有两个是accustomed to,有两个是accustomed with。怪就乖在两个accustomed to的那两个好像后面接的东西和前面不平行,所以只好选了一个平行正确的accustomed with的。。。不知道accustomed with算是错误用法还是可以容忍


  As users of social media grow accustomed to sharing highly personal information, apparently unfazed by market-research outfits like WiseWindow watching their every step, the feelings and intentions of hundreds of millions of people are there for data-hungry computers to see.

  Angolans have grown accustomed to the brutalities of civil war, but the rebels’ tactic of driving farmers from their land is now creating famine.



  S V standardfor software, ________________

  A which allows that

  B which allows sb. to do ... rather than to..

  C which

  D ,allowing for sb. to do ... rather than doing

  E ,allowingthat


  The globalization of financial-services companies has been a boon to money launderers, because of allowing money placed in a bank in a less regulated jurisdiction to be transferred to a branch in a more regulated one.

  of allowing money placed in a bank in a lessregulated jurisdiction to be transferred

  of allowing the transfer of money placed in abank in a less regulated jurisdiction

  it allows that money placed in a bank in aless regulated jurisdiction is transferred

  it allows the transfer of money having beenplaced in a bank in a less regulated jurisdiction

  it allows moneyplaced in a bank in a less regulated jurisdiction to be transferred


  Unlike crested wheatgrass, an alien species from Siberia that forms onlyshallow roots and produces tall above-ground shoots, native North Americangrasses develop an extensive root system, allowing for greater enrichment ofthe soil, but do not grow to be very tall.

  native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, allowing for greater enrichment of the soil, but do not grow to be very

  native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, which allows for their greater enrichment of the soil, but without growing to be that

  the root system of native North American grasses is extensive, allowing for greater enrichment of the soil, butthey do not grow to be very

  the root system of native North American grasses is more extensive, allowing for the greater enrichment of thesoil, but these grasses do not grow to be very

  the extensiveness of the root system of native North American grasses allows for their greater enrichment of the soil, but they do not grow to be that

  allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

  allow that clause 承认某事

  allow for sth. 考虑到某事



  有道题考到appoint的用法,有个叫Alley的人死前,他要求一个人“be appointed as thechairman of...”还是“be appointed the chairmanof.” 我查了自己之前做prep和GWD的笔记,应该是 “ appoint sb. +职务/名称”表示任命、授予职位,所以应该是没有as的吧


  In 1945, after acareer as First Lady in which she shattered expectations more audaciously than either Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison ever had been, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President HarryS Truman.

  more audaciously than either Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison ever had been, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman

  more audaciously than either Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, President Harry S Truman had Eleanor Roosevelt appointed to be a delegate to the United NationsGeneral Assembly

  with an audacity never matched in the case of Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison,President Harry S Truman had Eleanor Roosevelt appointed as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly

  with an audacity never matched by Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by PresidentHarry S Truman

  with an audacity never matched either in the case of Abigail Adams or of Dolly Madison's, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed to be a delegate to the UnitedNations General Assembly by

  an estimated的用法


  还有一题考到了an estimated 500 housholds和500 estimated households,选前者。


  Faced with an estimated $2 billion budget gap, thecity's mayor proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the city's major cultural institutions and to subsidize hundreds of local arts groups.

  proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year tomaintain the city's major cultural institutions and to subsidize

  proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly 17 percent in the amount it was allocating to maintain the city's major cultural institutions and for subsidizing

  proposed to reduce, by nearly 17 percent, the amount from the previous year that was allocated for the maintenance of the city's major cultural institutions and to subsidize

  has proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly 17 percent of the amount it was allocating for maintaining the city's major cultural institutions, and to subsidize

  was proposing that the amount they were allocating be reduced by nearly 17 percent from the previous year for maintaining the city's major cultural institutions and for the subsidization


  Overall, an estimated 860,000 fewer young people in America are using drugs today than when we began these efforts.

  an estimated 大约,同义词有some, about, or so
