雅思小作文 机经分享

2022-05-22 09:46:06

  雅思小作文 机经分享!雅思写作小作文要求考生答题字数不少于150字,而且第一部分考试题型比较固定,大家掌握各类题型解题方法很重要。为了方便大家备考,小编为大家带来了雅思小作文 机经分享,供大家参考。

  The following charts illustrate the information about players of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.Write a passage about the charts.本场雅思小作文为图表题,题目有关2003年韩国玩电子游戏人群信息。

  The three pie charts indicate significant disparities in the proportion of players in terms of age and gender and they also compare sales from a range of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.这三张饼图表明,在年龄和性别方面,参与者的比例存在显著差异,而且他们还比较了2003年韩国一系列电子游戏的销售情况。

  It is evidently shown that the vast majority of players(77%) were under 35 years old, with those less than 18 years old and between 18 and 35 almost equally represented, constituting 38% and 39% respectively while less than a quarter of players were over 36 years old. Also striking to note is that males who occupied nearly three quarters tremendously outnumbered females with nearly 28%, roughly one third of their male counterparts.


  以上为雅思小作文 机经分享,希望对大家备考有帮助,也预祝各位考生顺利在雅思写作考试中拿下高分。
