
2022-05-23 13:36:25

  话题是考生在备考sat作文的基本,建议考生们在备考sat作文 合作素材范文分享,希望可以帮助到大家!下面我们看详细内容。

  Competition Thesis: Competition stimulates people to develop. Subject: The Cold War SAT写作范文: After WWII, the Cold War between democracy and communism started, including economic,culture and especially arms and space exploration. On October 4, 1957,the successful launch of Sputnik-1 indicated to the world that the Soviet Union had taken the lead in space exploration. It also caused fear that this technology would allow the Soviet Union to launch nuclear weapons into space. In response, the United States established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), embarking on a quest to the moon where Neil Armstrong took his revolutionary first steps in 1969.

  以上就是整理的sat作文 合作素材范文分享,希望考生们可以认真学习,可以取得满意的SAT成绩。
