
2022-05-24 02:22:35


  雅思OG写作审题要领(Task focus)

  这是一张较为复杂的柱状图,横轴代表年龄组,数轴代表百分比。不同的两种颜色分别代表两个年份。题 目写的是在 1990 年和 2010 年,英国不同年龄捐钱给慈善机构的百分比。

  雅思OG写作思路(Think before writing)

  本题涉及到不同年份之间的横向比较,也涉及到不同年龄组之间的纵向对比。考生需要在 150 字之内对图 表里的信息进行概括,有侧重的描写主要特征,必要时选择适当省略。考生可以选择不同方式组织文章, 一种是分时间段描写,分别描述 1990 年和 2010 年的各个年龄组情况。另一种是根据年龄组描写,分别 描写各年龄组在两个年份的不同情况。推荐使用后一种,一可以避免单词、句型的重复,二可以适当的对 各年龄组进行纵向对比,使文章更有深度。图表里有五个年龄组,很明显在前三个年龄组里,1990 年的捐 款比例要高于 2010 年的捐款比例,而后两个年龄组正好相反,比例随着时间变化变大了。考生可以根据 这个对比把主题段分为两段,使文章显得逻辑清楚有层次。

  雅思OG写作范文演示(Sample analysis)

  Model Response

  The chart examines the levels of donation among people of different ages in Britain.

  Overall, a greater percentage of British people gave money to charity in 1990 than in 2010. However, across the two years, the pattern differs before and after the age of 50.

  In 1990, 42% of the 36-50 age-group made charitable donations, and this figure is the highest on the chart. The 18-25s contributed the least at only 17%. By 2010, these figures had fallen significantly to 35% and 7% respectively. The level of donations from the 26-35 age-group also experienced a decrease in 2010 from 31% to 24%.

  While donations up to the age of 50 declined across the two years, they rose among the 51-65 age-group from 35% to nearly 40%, which was the highest percentage for 2010. The figure for the over 65s was lower than this, at 35%, but it was still a little higher than the 1990 figure of 32%.


