
2022-05-29 01:29:45
Task 1
考试日期: 2012.08.04
类别 Bar chart
题目 The bar chart shows what the UK graduates and postgraduates do (apart from those who find full-time employment) when they graduate in 2008.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
题目翻译 该图表显示了2008年英国毕业生毕业后的情况(除去已经找到专职工作的学生)。

写作指导 1)注意时态,要用过去时
3)结尾可从两幅图共性处找联系和规律,就是不论undergraduate或是postgraduate, part-time job都是最多的选择。
重点表达式 …, (closely) followed by…
What came next was…
…was/were close behind
题目评价 难度一般
推荐练习 剑桥真题5, test4
剑桥真题6, test1
近期考试趋势 接下来适当关注饼图,线图和地图题。
Task 2
考试日期: 2012.08.04
类别 媒体类
题目 In some countries, TV programmes are transmitted throughout the day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmission is a positive development, while others think it is negative.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
题目翻译 在某些国家,电视节目是24小时播放的。有些人觉得这是一个好的发展趋势,而另一些人觉得有负面影响。
写作指导 1)注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子)
2)此题为新题,但并不困难,可以和媒体信息题目相结合,分别从health problem和impact on social life两方面进行讨论
重点表达 audience rating, commercial interest, cater for audience, receive positive information, promote economic development, penetrate every corner of our life, Promote the prosperity and progress
…far outweigh…, Only by doing … can … be solved
题目评价 新题,难度一般
推荐练习 Some people think media has exerted more positive effects than drawbacks.
Do you agree or disagree?
近期考试趋势 近三个月考到的话题为社会类、环境类、媒体类。社会类一直是考试的重点,建议考生们在之后的考试中多关注社会类,科技类和文化类考题。