
2022-06-11 21:48:00


  "The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies."

  Sample Essay

  Corporate executives do have a responsibility to make money for their companies. For publicly owned companies, this means that they must find a way to maximize shareholder value. People buy shares in a company because they want to make money, therefore the more money that the company makes, the more money the stockholder can potentially make. But it would be wrong to say that, without qualification, making as much money as possible is an executive's only responsibility. Shareholder value can be maximized in ways other than by making money, such as the corporation's treatment of the global environment and people, the corporation's image, and its long-term viability as a stable corporation.

  First of all, corporate executives have a duty to protect our natural environment and to not exploit human resources, particularly in lesser-developed countries. These poorer countries sometimes have poorly developed legal systems and laws that can be used unfairly by companies, even though the companies are actually operating within the limits of the law in that country. As an example, a pharmaceutical company should not be allowed to test new drugs on people in a poor country even though it is perfectly legal under that country's laws. Similarly, a chemical company should not be allowed to use manufacturing processes in a developing country that pollute and destroy the environment, whether those manufacturing processes are legal or not in that nation. Corporate executives must take it upon themselves to ensure that it operates ethically in all countries and that the corporation does not exploit lax operating laws in underdeveloped parts of the world.
