
2022-05-29 14:25:32




  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: movies and television programs should always present the stories that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished .

  如果我想要论证的观点是:对于小孩子来讲,电影电视节目确实应该呈现这样正向积极的故事情节。道理是小孩子在价值观形成时期易于受外界影响,外界事物的行为容易成为孩子的行为导向。 接下来需要举出一个正面或是反面的例子去论证电视传达的价值观对孩子思想和行为的影响。我们来对比两个例子:

  段落一:My little brother James is a good case in point. He watched a cartoon called Naruto. In this cartoon, the main character, also good at fighting, uses his power to against the enemies and protect his family rather than fight with others waywardly. And he is always complimented by people. By contrast, the evils in the cartoon are severely punished finally. Influenced by the plots, he stopped fighting as he want to be awarded did not want to be such a person like bad man in the cartoon who is always published. It is the positive stories that greatly change James.

  段落二:My little brother James is a good case in point. James used to be a naughty boy who was notorious for fighting , even his father had fought with him once. Later, he watched a cartoon called Naruto. In this cartoon, the main character, also good at fighting, uses his power to against the enemies and protect his family rather than fight with others waywardly. And he is always complimented by people. By contrast, the evils in the cartoon are severely punished finally. Influenced by the plots, James wanted to be such a boy with brave and wisdom, then he tried to help others like dong the house work, chatting with the olds. Moreover, he stopped fighting as he did not want to be such a person like bad man in the cartoon who is always published. Conspicuously, it’s fair to say that it is the positive stories in the cartoon that greatly change James and provide him the wonderful personalities. If James had not watched, he would not have learned this lesson.



  那么到底需要什么内容的例子呢?例子可以是奥巴马,金正恩,乔布斯,lady gaga, 例子可以是哈利波特,杰克和露丝,金莲和西门庆大官人,例子可以是楼上赵大妈,隔壁王老五,街上卖包子的七舅姥爷,可以是各种求学工作的大表哥大表姐,但这都不是关键,关键的是例子中的谁,做了什么,有姓有名,有时间,有地点,有原因,有事件,有结果。也是举例子的精髓: who , what, how ,why ,result.
