
2022-05-24 08:23:28


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  There are a number of qualities that have always been present in cultures, recent or ancient. These qualities can be anything from art forms to culturally gained knowledge. These qualities make the culture unique, and allow the culture to offer something interesting to the world. Throughout history, dancing has always played such a role in cultures. This is because dance allows us to express emotion, preserve heritage, and entertain.

  Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion. Much like the painter using color to convey emotion, dancers can use their body as a tool to show the onlooker their happiness, sadness, pain, etc.

  Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. Many cultures have dance as part of their ceremonies, whether the ceremony is religious or patriotic in form. For example, it is a widely practiced norm to have people dance out a glorious moment in battle. In religion, it is common for people to dance to appease the God or Gods. Because of this, dancing is an excellent way to maintain culture, and ensure that important moments of the past are not forgotten.

  In modern days, it is much more common for dancing to be seen as a form of entertainment. Dancing has become somewhat of a sport in some countries, for example, ballroom dancing is very popular in the United States. There are hundreds of bars and disco clubs all over China, which focus on dancing. They provide disc jockeys, more commonly referred to as "D.J.s", and play loud, repetitive music, which encourages the young people to dance. There are many different styles of dance, but all bring the dancer to have fun, and get a good workout at the same time.


  一、 语言表达

  本文句式简单,但用词精致。最大的亮点是对动宾搭配的把握非常准确。例如express emotion, preserve heritage等。准确的动宾搭配能充分反映出作者的语言功底,我们在写作时也应该注意这些细节。

  1. Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. 首先method 表示方式、方法,还可以用way,means;然后是retain和preserve分别表示维持,保存。

  2. Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion. 表达情绪在这句话中用了express emotion,作者在其它地方还用了convey emotion来避免动词的重复。hold a high position表示保持很高的地位。

  3. They provide disc jockeys, more commonly referred to as "D.J.s", and play loud, repetitive music, which encourages the young people to dance. 在这句话里,refer to表示“指的是”,它还有涉及,参考的意思,大家可以找一些例句来理解不同的用法。repetitive表示重复的,作者用loud,repetitive music解释disc jockey,在描述事物时,大家就可以用这种直观的方式来表达,平时可以多积累一些形容词。

  二、 逻辑结构


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