
2022-05-19 04:15:41

  GMAT Argument题库是GMAT官方指南中给出的145道论证辨析写作题(Analysis of an Argument)的汇总,论证辨析题是GMAT分析性写作(Analytical Writing Assessment)中的写作任务,要求考生对给出的一个已知论证进行逻辑错误分析和客观论证。SmartStudy Argument逐题精讲课堂通过对每一个Argument题目的解构,在指出所有逻辑错误的同时,再现做出此种判断的理由和过程,給予细致的解答和指导。


  In order to effectively reduce the amount of environmental damage that industrial manufacturing plants cause, those who manage the plants must be aware of the specific amount and types of damage caused by each of their various manufacturing processes. However, few corporations have enough financial incentive to monitor this information. In order to guarantee that corporations reduce the damage caused by their plants, the federal government should require every corporation to produce detailed annual reports on the environmental impact of their manufacturing process, and the government should impose stiff financial penalties for failure to produce these reports.

  1. 题目翻译


  2. 本题逻辑错误分析

  a) 强制提交报告的政策不一定能使得企业准时提交真实的报告。因为这个政策并没有改变企业缺钱来做这份报告的事实,所以企业很可能会选择逃避或者是造假。如此一来,这个政策很可能就无法发挥功效。

  b) 即使作者的建议能够使得企业按时提交真实的报告,它也会给企业带来财政上的困难。因为企业因提交报告而产生的财政困难没有被丝毫地减轻。同时企业的困难也会通过税收等途径影响到政府的财政收入,从而给整个地区带来影响。

  c) 即使这个建议不会造成企业和政府的财政困难,政府也有其他更好的途径来解决这个问题。比如政府可以通过奖励的政策,来鼓励企业按时提交报告。

