
2022-06-05 18:45:27


  41.=Under the force of this view/,it was perhaps inevitable/ that the art of rhetoric/ should pass from the status/ of being regarded as of questionable worth/—because/ although it might be both a source of pleasure/ and a means to urge people/ to right action/,it might also be a means to distort truth/ and a source of misguided action/—to the status/ of being wholly condemned/.


  42.=None of these translations/ to screen and stage/,however/,dramatize the anarchy/ at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee/,which ends with the violent overthrow/ of Morgan’s three-year-old progressive order/ and his return to the nineteenth century/,where he apparently commits suicide/ after being labeled a lunatic/ for his incoherent babblings/ about drawbridges and battlements.

  #没有任何一部作品在所有这些改编的作品中/被搬上银幕和舞台的/,然而/,能生动地再现无政府状态/,在结尾处《康乃涅克州的美国佬》(A Connecticut Yankee)的/,原作以如下情节为结尾/摩根为期三年之



  43.=Calculations/ of the density of alloys/ based on Bernal-type models/ of the alloys metal component/ agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values/ from measurements on alloys/ consisting of a noble metal/ together with a metalloid/,such as alloys of palladium and silicon/, or alloys/ consisting of iron,phosphorus,and carbon/,although small discrepancies remained/.


  44.=It is now established/ that the Milky Way is far more extended/ and of much greater mass/ than was hitherto thought.

  #这现在已被人们公认了/银河系是更加浩瀚广阔的/并且质量远大的多/ 比迄今为止所想象的(情况)。

  45.=And Walzer advocates/ as the means/ of eliminating this tyranny / and of restoring genuine equality/ "the abolition of the power of money/ outside its sphere" .

  #Walzer 。

  46.=Is it not tyrannical/,in Pascal’s sense/,to insist/ that those who excel in "sensitivity"/ or "the ability to express compassion"/ merit equal wealth/ with those who excel in qualities (such as "the capacity for hard work")/essential in producing wealth?

,按 Pascal 的想法/,如果坚持认为/那些人擅长“敏感”/或者擅长“这种能力表达怜悯之心”/,应获取同等的物质财富/与那些擅长这些品质(诸如“勤奋工作的能力”)/这些品质是本质的在物质财富创造过程中?

  47.=Yet Waizer’s argument/,however deficient/,does point to one of the most serious weak-nesses of capitalism/,namely/,that it brings to predominant positions/ in a society/ people who/,no matter how legitimately/ they have earned their material rewards/,often lack those other qualities/ that evoke affection or admiration.

  #然而,Waizer’s 的观点/,无论多么不充分/,确实指出了 严重的一个弱点资本主义的/,也就是/,它置于显赫的位置/在一个社会中/将某一类人/,这类人/无论以怎样合法的方式/他们获得了他们的物质补偿/,常常缺乏其它那些品质/能唤起他人受戴和钦佩。

  48.=The appreciation/ of traditional oral American Indian literature / has been limited,hampered/ by poor translations/ and by the difficulty/,even in the rare culturally sensitive/ and aesthetically satisfying translation/,of completely conveying the original’s verse structure,tone,and syntax/.


  49.=Mores/,which embodied each culture’s ideal principles/ for governing every citizen/,were developed in the belief/ that the foundation of a community/ lies in the cultivation of individual powers/to be placed in service/ to the community.


  50.=Only in the case of the February Revolution/ do we lack a useful description of participants/ that might characterize it/ in the light of what social history has taught us/ about the process of revolutionary mobilization.

