
2022-06-01 00:03:12


  the Amana revolution (阿玛尔纳革命)

  Tutankhamen (图坦卡门)

  Nefertiti (娜芙蒂蒂)

  Ramses ii (拉美西斯二世)

  valley of the kings (帝王谷)

  the Huang he valley (黄河流域)

  the advance of civilization (文明的进展)

  civilizations of southwest Asia (西南亚的文明)

  Assyria (亚述帝国)

  using fire (人类开始运用火)

  stone age (石器时代)

  bronze age (青铜器时代)

  the development of agriculture (农业的进展)

  agriculture: revolution or evolution (农业是:革命性还是演进式产生)

  the rise of civilizations (文明的起源)

  the Tigris-Euphrates valley (底格里斯-幼发拉底河流域/两河流域)

  the Nile valley (尼罗河流域)

  the old kingdom (古王国时代)

  the new kingdom (新王国时代)

  the new Babylonian empire (新巴比伦王国)

  the Persian empire (波斯帝国)

  Phoenicia (腓尼基人)

  the Aegean civilization (爱情海文明)

  the Minoan culture (克里特文明)

  the Mycenaean culture (迈锡尼文化)

  Atlantis (亚特兰提斯)

  Greek civilization (希腊文明)

  Trojan war (特洛伊战争)

  alexander the great’s empire (亚历山大大帝帝国)

  Cleopatra (埃及艳后)

  the roman empire (罗马帝国)

  the Mauryan empire in India (印度孔雀帝国)

  Buddhism (佛教)

  Maya (玛雅)

  the Aztec empire (阿兹特克帝国)

  the Inca empire (印加帝国)

  Chasqui (查斯基)

  the age of exploration (地理大冒险时代)

  the colonization of America (美国殖民)

  the industrial revolution (工业革命)

  costs and benefits (工业革命的利与弊)

  capitalism (资本主义)


  world war i (1914~1918) (一次世界大战)

  Hitler, Adolf (希特勒‧阿道夫)

  world war ii (1939~1945) (二次世界大战)

  kamikaze (神风特攻队)

  samurai (日本武士)

  Confucianism (儒学)

  Shi Huangdi (秦始皇)

  the middle ages (中古时期)

  feudalism (封建制度)

  vandals (汪达尔人)

  chivalry (骑士制度)

  the byzantine empire (拜占庭帝国)

  the crusades (the clash between the crossand the Crescent) (十字军东征)

  knights Templars (圣殿武士团)

  Justinian (东罗马帝国)

  the ottoman empire (鄂图曼土耳其帝国)

  China (from 500 to 1500)Tang, Song, Yuan, Mingdynasties(中国-唐宋元明朝)
