
2022-05-26 17:37:30


  window.cproArray = window.cproArray

  eruption 爆发 火山灰

  volcanic 火山的 像火山的 volcanic island 火山 volcanic ash 火山灰 volcanic dust 火山尘


  My GREgarious sister makes friends wherever she goes. swarm (蜜蜂 蚂蚁等)群 throng crowd horde "flock 羊群,(禽,畜等的)群" herd 兽群 牧群

  mammal 哺乳动物(mamma 乳) carnivore 食肉动物 carnivorous 食肉类的 appetite 食欲

  herbivorous 食草的

  omnivorous 杂食的 什么都吃的 predator 掠夺者 食肉动物 predatory 掠夺的 食肉的 prey 被掠食者 牺牲者

  poikilotherm 变温动物 冷血动物 rodent 啮齿动物

  scavenger 清道夫 食腐动物 microbe 微生物 细菌 reptile 爬虫动物

  homotherm 恒温动物 primate 灵长类动物 primates 灵长类 mollusk 软体动物 coelenterate 腔肠动物 vertebrate 脊椎动物 invertebrate 无脊椎动物 finch 鸣禽

  This kind of birdseed(鸟饵) is perfect for all kinds of finches. bird 鸟

  fowl 鸡 家禽 chicken poultry

  monster 怪物 巨兽 demon(魔鬼 极残忍的人) hordes 昆虫群 insect 昆虫 worm 虫 蠕虫 beast 兽 畜牲

  aquatic 水的 水上的 水生的 水栖的 amphibian 两栖类的 水陆两用的 migrate (鸟类的)迁徙

  Some birds migrate to find warmer weather. graze 放牧

  This field will graze 30 head of cattle.

  "gasp 气喘 喘息 breathe, gulp" The terrible scene made me gasp. peck 啄 啄起 bite nibble

  Woodpeckers pecked wood for a pest. trot 小跑 慢跑 jog

  The horses trotted along the road.

  dormant 休眠的 inactive (dorm 睡眠)

  The dormant volcano has not erupted for two hundred years. offpring 子孙 后代 descendant spawn 产卵 generate produce pregnant 怀孕的 孕育的

  hatch 孵出 孵(卵) incubate breed emerge from the egg Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. breed (使)繁殖 教养 抚养

  Many animals breed in the spring. domesticate 驯养 教化(tame)

  [04:26.66]No one has ever been able to domesticate the African elephant. fertilize 使受精

  regeneration 再生 重建 reproduce 繁殖 再生

  Birds reproduce by laying eggs. squeak (老鼠或物体)吱吱

  Rats squeak while flies buzz.It is quite a house. chirp 喳喳(虫和鸟的叫声)

  The injured bird did not move or chirp. hibernate 冬眠

  Polar bear can hibernate for a long time. camouflage 伪装v/n

  They camouflaged their hatred with professions of friendship. extinction 灭绝

  monogamous 单配的 一雌一雄的 polyandrous 一雌多雄的 nest 巢 窝

  niche 小生太环境 pest 有害物

  habitat (动植物的)生活环境 产地 息栖地 居留地 自生的 聚集处 rhinoceros 犀牛

  chimpanzee 非洲的小人猿 黑猩猩 baboon 狒狒 gorilla 大猩猩 lizard 蜥蜴 moth 蛾 蛀虫

