
2022-05-27 15:07:44

  Manhatan Foundation of GMAT Verbal 曼哈顿GMAT基础词汇是曼哈顿出版的最经典的GMAT词汇,这些词汇高频率出现在OG 或者其他官方正式材料中,比如阅读,逻辑,语法。以下为今天GMAT词汇内容:gmat高频词汇下载之曼哈顿GMAT基础词汇

  Manhatan Foundation of GMAT Verbal 曼哈顿GMAT基础词汇

  曼哈顿出版的最经典的GMAT词汇,这些词汇高频率出现在OG 或者其他官方正式材料中,比如阅读,逻辑,语法。The vocabulary list in this section contains words that have appeared in the Officical Guide or other official GMAT materials in the Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction sections, as well as words from other sources at the same reading level.

