
2022-05-18 17:58:23


  1.wreak v.发泄(to cause the infliction ofvengeance);引起(to bring about, to cause)

  联想记忆:到处乱发脾气( wreak)是脆弱(weak)的表现

  例:The thief wreaked his vengeance on Mary bydestroying her house.

  2.wreath n.花冠,花环(garland)

  例:Victors in ancient Greek Olympic Games receivedcash prizes in addition to their laurel wreaths.

  3.wreck n.失事船只(shipwreck);残骸(the brokenremains of something wrecked or otherwiseruined)

  例:The coast guard is conducting tests to see whether pigeons can be trained to help findsurvivors of wrecks at sea.

  派生词:wreckage [n.(被毁物的)残骸]

  4.wrestle v.摔跤;搏斗(to fight);深思(to engage in deep thought)

  例:Scientists are wrestling with the study of a new kind of star.

  5.y-axis n.坐标轴中的Y轴

  例:Is this line parallel to the y-axis?

  6.yeast n.酵母(a yellowish surface froth or sediment that occurs especially in saccharineliquids( as fruit juices) in which it promotes alcoholic fermentation, consists largely ofcells of a fungus (as the saccharomyces, saccharomyces cerevisiae), and is usedespecially in the making of alcoholic liquors and as a leaven in baking)


  例:Yeast is used to leaven bread.

  7.yen n.日元(Japanese money) ‘

  例:The United States attempts to deal with the fall of the dollar against the yen.

  8.yield n.产量(the amount or quantity produced or returned);v.产生(bear,produce);屈从(to give way to pressure)

  例:The yield of natural gas from Norway's Troll gas field is expected to increase annually untilthe year 2005. //They discuss how such two methods have yielded contradictory data.
