
2022-06-02 13:10:09


  The Kindness of a Rich Man


  Not long ago, I came across with this old friend who I know quite well since my childhood. I know that he is quite good at delineating legendary stories, so I have to take this chance to let him tell me an interesting anecdote. Below are the exact words he said to me.

  “I had a rich friend that everyone can cheat money from him with a fake antique, because he was not a true connoisseur. He was only fond of buying old stuff, and did not care about whether what he got is an authentic one or just a fabrication. If you ask me why, my friend, then everybody in the town said it is an enigma. Everyone in the town was happy except one, who was said to be a pundit in identifying antiques.

  So this dilettante saw himself as an elitist with good taste, liked novelty of any kind. And he was proud of buying old things from everyone but the so-called pundit, which vexed him in the same time. So he planned to play a trick with this bony pundit who used to be a healthy androbust person when everyone went and let him identify their antiques. My rich friend made a fabrication of jade out of rice and all kinds of beans, and went to see the pundit. He said, ‘everyone said you were austere, but as I can see, you are quite amiable, and can you please discern whether my jade is an authentic one.’ The pundit saw his trick immediately. Having being hungry for several days, he said to my rich friend, ‘is this a solace to me? If it is, can I eat it now?’ Being shocked by the insight of the pundit, my rich friend answered,

  ‘After the recession, everyone in the town began to understand the generosity kindness of my rich friend.’ ”



  当这个业余古董收藏家(富人)看到自己是一个品味的精英,他喜欢上了各种新奇的事物。他觉得向所有人买古董非常自豪,除了一个人,那个古董鉴定专家,这也让富人十分烦恼。于是他决定在这个骨瘦如柴的专家身上玩个把戏,昔日里专家健康而强壮,人们都找他鉴定古董。我的富人朋友用米饭和各种豆子做了一个假翡翠后去见专家。朋友说 ’人们都说你很严肃,但我觉得你还是挺和蔼的。你能不能帮我分辨一下这个翡翠是不是真的。’专家很快就识破了他的把戏。他已经好几天没吃东西了,饥肠辘辘,于是对朋友说 ‘这个是用来安抚我的吗?如果是,我可以吃了吗?’朋友对专家敏锐的洞察力大吃一惊。在经济衰退过去之后,人们开始理解这个富人的善良。’”

