
2022-05-24 18:08:24

三 单词串讲

301.labile: stable不稳定的:稳定的

302.lachrymose: gladness 悲伤:快乐

303.lackluster: radiant 无光的:发光的

(1)The author’s theory about modern design had an enormous impact when first published, but as___ as it was then, it is now clearly____.

(A) scholarly, erudite

(B) lackluster, impressive

(C) influential, outdated

(D) primitive, antiquarian

(E) prestigious, masterful

(2)Pete ------his coach when he followed up his winning season with a -------- performance this year.

A. thrilled …poor

B. upset ….charming

C. disappointed … lackluster

D. relieved …pale

304.laconic/terse/succinct: loquacious/verbose/garrulous 简明的:多嘴的

(1) Even though the critics praised the author’s ------- use of words, they found the text------ at a mere 100 pages.

A. improper … laconic

B. precise ….short

C. hackneyed … threadbare

D. sure … banal

(2) By nature Toshiro was___, given to striking up casual conversations with strangers he encountered at bus stops or check-out stands.

A. diffident

B. observant

C. reticent

D. gregarious

E. laconic

(3) A model of ------- behavior, Cunningham never ate or drank to excess.

(A) temperate (B) laconic (C) duplicitous (D) aesthetic (E) voluble


(4)Convinced by critics that his play was too verbose, Johnson__ the third act, making it more___.

(A) expanded, concise

(B) curtailed, prolix

(C) promulgated, insouciant

(D) abbreviated, succinct

(E) fostered, pliant

(5)You should ----- this paragraph in order to make your essay more -----.

A. delete ….. succinct B. enlarge … redundant

C. remove … discursive D. revise … abstruse

E. excise … legible

