3500SAT巴朗词表:Word List 10

2022-06-06 02:02:52

  3500SAT巴朗词表:Word List 10!《3500 WORDS SAT 巴郎词表》中收录3500多个核心词汇,分为35个单元,可以有效的帮助考生攻克SAT词汇难关。下面

  Word List 10 collaborate-convoluted

  collaborate V. /协作,合作/work together. Two writers collaborated in preparing this book.

  collage N. /拼贴画/work of art put together from fragments. Scraps of cloth, paper doilies, and old photographs all went into her collage.

  collate V. /校对,整理/examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order. They collated the newly found manuscripts to determine their age.

  collateral N. /抵押品/security given for loan. The sum you wish to borrow is so large that it must be secured by collateral.

  colloquial ADJ. /口语的/pertaining to conversational or common speech. Some of the new, less formal reading passages on SAT I have a colloquial tone that is intended to make them more appealing to students.

  collusion N. /勾结/Conspiring in a fraudulent scheme. The swindlers were found guilty of collusion.

  colossal ADJ. /巨大/huge. Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage.

  comatose ADJ. /昏迷;熟睡/a coma; extremely sleepy. The longwinded orator soon had his audience in a comatose state.

  *combustible ADJ. /易燃的/easily burned. After the recent outbreak of fires in private homes, the fire commissioner ordered that all combustible materials be kept in safe containers, also N.

  comely ADJ. /清秀,美丽,漂亮;有吸引力的/attractive; agreeable. I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.

  comeuppance N. /报应/rebuke; deserts. After his earlier rudeness, we were delighted to see him get his comeuppance.

  commandeer V. /征用,招募/to draft for military purposes; to take for public use. The policeman commandeered the first car that approached and ordered the driver to go to the nearest hospital.

  commemorate V. /纪念/honor the memory of. The statue of the Minute Man commemorates the valiant soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War.

  commensurate ADJ. /相当的,相称的/equal in extent. Your reward will be commensurate with your effort.

  commiserate V. /怜悯,同情/feel or express pity or sympathy for. Her friends commiserated with the widow.

  commodious ADJ. /宽敞,舒适/spacious and comfortable. After sleeping in small roadside cabins, they found their hotel suite commodious.

  communal ADJ. /公共的/held in common; of a group of people. When they were divorced, they had trouble dividing their communal property.

  compact N. /合约,合同/agreement; contract. The signers of the Mayflower Compact were establishing a form of government.

  compact ADJ. /紧密的,结实的/tightly packed; firm; brief. His short, compact body was better suited to wrestling than to basketball.

  comparable ADJ. /相似的/similar. People whose jobs are comparable in difficulty should receive comparable pay.

  compatible ADJ. /和谐的/harmonious; in harmony with. They were compatible neighbors, never quarreling over unimportant matters. compatibility, N.

  compelling ADJ. /强制的/overpowering; irresistible in effect. The prosecutor presented a well-reasoned case, but the defense attorney's compelling arguments for leniency won over the jury.

  compensatory ADJ. /补偿/making up for; repaying. Can a compensatory education program make up for the inadequate schooling he received in earlier years?

  compile V. /聚集,积累,汇集/assemble; gather; accumulate. We planned to compile a list of the words most frequently used on SAT I examinations.

  complacency N. /自满;装模作样/self-satisfaction; smugness. Full of complacency about his latest victories, he looked smugly at the row of trophies on his mantelpiece. complacent,ADJ.

  complaisant ADJ. /彬彬有礼;殷勤/trying to please; obliging. The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.

  complement V. /补足;完善/complete; consummate; make perfect. The waiter recommended a glass of port to complement the cheese. also N.

  *complementary ADJ. /补足的,完善的/serving to complete something. John and Lisa's skills are complementary. he's good at following a daily routine, while she's great at improvising and handling emergencies. Together they make a great team.

  compliance N. /顺从/readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements. Bullheaded Bill was not noted for easy compliance with the demands of others. As an architect, however, Bill recognized that his design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code.

  compliant ADJ. /顺从/yielding. Because Joel usually gave in and went along with whatever his friends desired, his mother worried that he might be too compliant.

  complicity N. /共犯,共同/participation; involvement. You cannot keep your complicity in this affair secret very long; you would be wise to admit your involvement immediately.

  component N. /成分/element; ingredient. I wish all the components of my stereo system were working at the same time.

  composure N. /镇定,沉着/mental calmness. Even the latest work crisis failed to shake her composure.

  compound V. /混合;组合;增加/combine; constitute; pay interest; increase. The makers of the popular cold remedy compounded a nasal decongestant with an antihistamine. also N.

  comprehensive ADJ. /全面的/thorough; inclusive. This book provides a comprehensive review of verbal and math skills for the SAT.

  compress V. /压缩/close; squeeze; contract. She compressed the package under her arm.

  comprise V. /包括/include; consist of. If the District of Columbia were to be granted statehood, the United States of America would comprise fifty-one states, not just fifty.

  compromise V. /危害;妥协/adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of. Sometimes the presence of a neutral third party can help adversaries compromise their differences. Unfortunately, you're not neutral; therefore, your presence here compromises our chances of reaching an agreement. also N.

  compunction N. /后悔/remorse. The judge was especially severe in his sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime.

  compute V. /计算/reckon; calculate. He failed to compute the interest, so his bank balance was not accurate. computation, N.

  concave ADJ. /空的/hollow. The back-packers found partial shelter from the storm by huddling against the concave wall of the cliff.

  concede V. /勉强,让步,屈从/admit; yield. Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled, Mark refused to concede that she was right.

  conceit N. /自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法/vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor. Although Jack was smug and puffed up with conceit, he was an entertaining companion, always expressing himself in amusing conceits and witty turns of phrase.

  concentric ADJ. /同心/having a common center. The target was made of concentric circles.

  conception N. /开始,构思/beginning; forming of an idea. At the first conception of the work, he was consulted. conceive,V.

  concerted ADJ. /协调的/mutually agreed on; done together. All the Girl Scouts made a concerted effort to raise funds for their annual outing. When the movie star appeared, his fans let out a concerted sigh.

  concession N. /让步/an act of yielding. Before they could reach an agreement, both sides had to make certain concessions.

  conciliatory ADJ. /抚慰,调和/reconciling; soothing. She was still angry despite his conciliatory words. conciliate,V.

  concise ADJ. /简练/brief and compact. When you define a new word, be concise: the shorter the definition, the easier it is to remember.

  contrived ADJ. /做作的;牵强的/forced; artificial; not spontaneous. Feeling ill at ease with his new in-laws, James made a few contrived attempts at conversation and then retreated into silence.

  controvert V. /辩论;反驳/oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict. The witness's testimony was so clear and her reputation for honesty so well-established that the defense attorney decided it was wiser to make no attempt to controvertwhat she said.

  contusion N. /擦伤;撞伤/bruise. Black and blue after her fall, Sue was treated for contusions and abrasions.

  conundrum N. /谜语/riddle. During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.

  convene V. /召集,集合/assemble. Because much needed legislation had to be enacted, the governor ordered the legislature to convene in special session by January 15.

  convention N. /习俗,惯例/social or moral custom; established practice. Flying in the face of convention, George Sand shocked society by taking lovers and wearing men's clothes.

  conventional ADJ. /典型的;普通的/ordinary; typical. His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife's eccentric family.

  converge V. /聚合;接近/approach; tend to meet; come together. African-American men from all over the United States converged on Washington to take part in the historic Million Men march.

  conversant ADJ. /熟悉/familiar with. The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence.

  converse N. /相反的/opposite. The inevitable converse of peace is not war but annihilation.

  converse V. /聊天/chat; talk informally. Eva was all ears while Lulu and Lola conversed. Wasn't it rude of her to eavesdrop on their conversation? conversation, N.

  convert N. /改变;转换;皈依/one who has adopted a different religion or opinion. On his trip to Japan, though the President spoke at length about the virtues of American automobiles, he made few converts to his beliefs. alsoV.

  convex ADJ. /凸的/curving outward. He polished the convex lens of his telescope.

  conveyance N. /运输;交通工具/vehicle; transfer. During the transit strike, commuters used various kinds of conveyances.

  conviction N. /定罪;深信/judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief. Even her conviction for murder did not shake Peter's conviction that Harriet was innocent of the crime.

  convivial ADJ. /欢乐;高兴/festive; gay; characterized by joviality. The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college songs.

  convoke V. /召集/call together. Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency. convocation, N.

  convoluted ADJ. /围绕,卷绕;费解/coiled around; involved; intricate. His argument was so convoluted that few of us could follow it intelligently.

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