
2022-05-31 12:51:14


  Although Rolf is usually quite -------, he was so ------- by the salesman’s rude remarks that he insisted on complaining to the manager.

  (A) tractable . . reassured

  (B) timorous . . angered

  (C) plucky . . offended

  (D) valiant . . incensed

  (E) diffident . . satisfied


  解析:Choice B is correct. The term “Although” in the first clause suggests that Rolf’s response to the “salesman’s rude remarks” differed from his usual behavior. If Rolf is usually “timorous,” or timid, complaining to the salesman’s manager would be an uncharacteristic response.


  The impoverished city lacked the financial means to update its ------- electrical infrastructure.

  (A) despondent

  (B) antiquated

  (C) rejuvenated

  (D) superlative

  (E) esoteric


  解析:If the impoverished city needs to update its electrical infrastructure, the system is very likely “antiquated,” or outdated.


  A remarkably ____ plant, the soybean yields not only dairylike products, but also flour, cooking oil, and sprouts.

  (A) imperishable

  (B) resistant

  (C) tedious

  (D) incessant

  (E) versatile


  解析:The information after the first comma actually explains the missing word. The fact that such a variety of products can be made from one plant indicates that the soybean is very “versatile”: it has many uses.


  Mrs. Williams found it ironic that her twelve-year-old son, who made all A’s on his report card, was so ------- at home, apparently unable to follow her most basic instructions concerning such commonsense matters as tidiness.

  (A) stubborn

  (B) astute

  (C) candid

  (D) obtuse

  (E) sullen


  解析:Choice (D) is correct. It is logical that a mother would see irony in the contrast between her son’s success at school and his obtuseness, or apparent inability to comprehend, at home.


  Often inattentive when it comes to schoolwork, Maya was uncharacteristically ------- when she wrote her personal essay; rather than taking her typical ------- approach, she paid extremely close attention to every last detail.

  (A) thorough . . cautious

  (B) painstaking . . precise

  (C) inconsiderate . . thoughtful

  (D) nonchalant . . efficient

  (E) meticulous . . careless


  解析:To be “meticulous” is to pay extreme care in the consideration or treatment of details. In this context, “careless” means not showing care or attention. The sentence indicates that Maya is often inattentive in her schoolwork; in other words, she tends not to pay attention to her work, or typically is careless. It certainly would be uncharacteristic, then, for Maya to give extremely careful consideration to details when writing her essay — that is, it would be out of the ordinary for her to be so meticulous.


  Since the explanations offered are ------- to the exposition, it would be unfair to treat them as ------- parts of the studies under consideration.

  (A) tangential . . subsidiary

  (B) irrelevant . . superfluous

  (C) referable . . correspondent

  (D) incidental . . essential

  (E) crucial . . immutable


  解析:The words filling the blanks are opposites, since if the “explanations” are one thing, it is “unfair to treat them” as the opposite. They are “incidental” and cannot be treated as the opposite of incidental, namely, “essential.”


  The architect wanted to ------- his own initial vision and design but recognized the importance of ------- requests from his client; in the end, he had to make several concessions.

  (A) maintain . . accommodating

  (B) develop . . . submitting

  (C) protect . . excluding

  (D) refuse . . incorporating

  (E) preserve . . disregarding


  解析:The word “but” along with the word “concessions,” which refers to yielding to something, suggests that there is some contrast in the first part of the sentence. An architect certainly might want to “maintain” his initial vision and design, but as a result of needing to accommodate, or consider and allow for, requests from the client, he might have to change them. It makes sense to suggest that the architect made concessions and accommodated the client’s requests even though he wanted to keep his initial vision and design unchanged.


  Because he was ------- in the face of danger, the explorer won the government’s highest award for conspicuous bravery.

  (A) virile

  (B) heedless

  (C) dauntless

  (D) callow

  (E) timorous


  解析:Choice (C) is correct. Someone who was “dauntless,” or fearless, when faced with danger might very well earn an award for bravery.


  Understandably, it is the ------- among theater critics who become most incensed when producers insist on ------- celebrated classic plays.

  (A) strategists . . discussing

  (B) mediators . . staging

  (C) conformists . . praising

  (D) traditionalists . . recognizing

  (E) purists . . reinterpreting


  解析:It is logical to conclude that critics who are “purists” would be devoted to traditional ways of staging classic plays, and would get angry when these plays are presented in new ways.


  The rumor was of the ------- variety, spreading slowly and almost imperceptibly until, finally, everyone seemed to have heard the story.

  (A) manifest

  (B) dilatory

  (C) insidious

  (D) aggressive

  (E) expeditious


  解析:Choice (C) is correct. A rumor that spreads slowly and subtly can be described as “insidious.”
