
2022-06-13 10:24:34


  Section One

  场次 20150212 20130829 20101127 2007

  场景 其他

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 注册驾照和保险

  填空 10

  1. town


  3. softwares

  4. distance


  6. 14.40

  7. soup

  8. shop

  9. free parking

  10. Name :WHRRGHU

  Section Two

  场次 20140426 20090704

  场景 求职

  题型 填空 5,单选 5

  内容概述 job center of compus:学校为学生提供兼职 part-time job

  填空 5

  11. Special policy applies to overseas students.

  12. It will locate in the Woodside Campus.

  13. The enquiry office opens till 8:30 PM.

  14. The lawyer is only available on Tuesdays.

  15. University Website will show the job information.

  单选 5

  16. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs?

  A. *** B. IT faculty C. parking centre

  Section Three

  场次 20160305 20120922 20100520

  题型 填空 3,多选 3,配对 4

  内容概述 两个学生讨论论文问题

  配对 4

  A. Need more examples

  B. Too long

  C. Fully prepared

  D. Use existing overview version

  E. Not relevant

  21.Assignment introduction -- C. Fully prepared

  22.Body structure -- D. Use existing overview version

  23.Methods technology -- B. Too long

  24.Conclusion -- A. Need more examples

  填空 3

  25.Woman wants to set a listening task for presentation.

  26.Man: speakers can be divided to discuss as a group.

  27.Practice taking notes

  多选 3

  What should be put emphasis on presentation’s conclusion?

  28.A. User friendliness or E. Improve computer skills

  29.C. chat room

  30.F. Global access

  Section Four

  场次 20111126 2008 20070922

  学科 环保

  题型 选择 6,填空 4

  内容概述 介绍电动汽车的发展和对环境的影响以及未来的展望

  31. 女的什么选这个题目

  A Latest technology B. Easy to understand C known a lot

  32. 以前公车最大的问题是什么,选:B

  33. Beginning to use this electronic batteries,选:A

  A. Family B. many passengers C.

  34. Why speaker respect this person,选:C

  35. 前次试验不成功原因,不载人的时候很好,人一上去就出问题,选:passengers' weight

  36. The advantage of this electronic batteries? 选 C

  37. Location: bus stop

  38. 每 2 meters 需要充电/300 meters

  39. at university

  39. 和 local TV station

