
2022-05-20 19:19:23




  1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

  a. The procedures for applying for different types of scholarships

  b. Where the man must go to submit his financial-aid application

  c. How students can get help paying their tuition

  d. Various organizations that offer work-study programs

  答案: C

  破题关键词汇:mainly discussing

  解析:(从第2秒开始,原文重现:Yes, I'd like to get help with the, you know, payment for my classes, some sort of financial aid.)


  2. What is the woman’s opinion of the work-study program?

  a. It does not provide as much financial flexibility as a regular job does.

  b. It is more difficult to apply for than other types of financial aid.

  c. It should offer more jobs that would appeal to dental students.

  d. It should allow students to choose where they want to work.

  答案: A

  破题关键词汇:work-study program

  解析:(从第29秒开始,原文重现:However, instead of getting a paycheck, the money goes directly to your bill for your courses, but almost all work-study jobs pay minimum wage, which is usually pretty low.)


  3. Why does the woman mention civic clubs, foundations, and large corporations?

  a. To suggest organizations the man should visit to learn about scholarships

  b. To give some examples of organizations that offer scholarships

  c. To explain why some scholarships are very competitive

  d. To point out that it is appropriate to use scholarship money from multiple sources

  答案: B

  破题关键词汇:civic clubs, foundations, and large corporations

  解析:(从第1分37秒开始,原文重现:City clubs, foundations, organizations from all over the country offer scholarships or other financial assistance to college students, and all kinds of companies have programs to help their employees' children go to college.)


  4. Why does the woman ask the student about his career plans?

  a. She might be able to help him find a job related to the profession he is pursuing.

  b. Some scholarships are connected to particular fields of study.

  c. He cannot receive financial aid without having a career plan.

  d. She wants to find out which campus library is best equipped to help him.

  答案: B

  破题关键词汇:career plans

  解析:(从第2分21秒开始,原文重现:Okay. So I'd suggest looking in the library for information on organizations that have to do with dentistry. Any number of them might offer scholarships to students planning to join their profession.)


  5. Why does the woman suggest that the student speak to a university librarian?

  a. A librarian might have more time to help the student than she does.

  b. Librarians work hard to maintain a complete listing of financial-aid resources.

  c. Librarians are trained to help students fill out a variety of applications.

  d. A librarian could help the student find the information he is looking for more quickly.


  破题关键词汇:speak to a university librarian

  解析:(从第2分35秒开始,原文重现:Great! But be sure to talk to one of our librarians, too. They get the same questions over and over, so they can save you a great deal of time.)


