Vanderbilt University | 范德堡大学申请经典真题与范文解析

2022-06-09 09:35:27

  Vanderbilt University 申请人,在写作时的相关经典真题解析

  1. Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.


  【关键词】background, story, identity




  “April is the cruellest month”, not because I was as sensitive as T. S. Eliot, but the April of two years ago was when I began my weight-reducing plan and had to say goodbye to most of my favourite foods.

  I had been a member of swim team in school since Grade four, large amount of practices kept calories I took in from being stored as fat. However, after I left the swim team and stopped intense training, my uncontrolled eating desire led to a chubby me and then a big fat.

  As a girl in adolescence, I actually did worry about my fat problem, especially when I saw other girls who wore beautiful dresses, walked gracefully with breeze brushing past. How I wish I could be as slim and slender as them! But as soon as hunger attacked me, I would throw away all the fantasies and embrace tasty foods right away. Obviously, I need something stronger to push me into the track of losing weight, so when the doctor told me that obesity was affecting my health, I knew it was time to take an action, for my health and a more beautiful me.

  After an intense family discussion, my original and lazy proposal of not eat anything at all to make everything fast was surely to be crossed. We worked out the simplest and easiest plan—eat, but less, exercise more. I only had to cut my suppers and take exercises instead, but it would be a long lasting process, honestly, I was not sure if I could keep to the plan to the last at that time.

  At first, it was really tough to bear hunger and focus on moving at the same time. My nose became more sensitive at the smell of food than before, and if I were a cartoon character at that time, my mouth water would have formed a wild sea. Besides the cutting suppers, I also had to keep miles away from my favourite McDonald’s. My parents also found me a job, teaching a friend of theirs how to swim every weekend, to promote my amount of exercise in a different way; meanwhile I was challenged by largely stimulated appetite after swim.

  I remembered once I could not help stopping at the food stands on my way home after finishing swimming class, staring at the fried chicken steaks, fried rice, barbecue and other delicious snacks. The smell and the sound of oil frying chickens eroded my will. I wondered between the bus stop and food stands with hands already reaching into pocket for money, when I seized all my money in hand and took a look around so that I could make up my mind to break the “no snack” rules, I saw girls in pretty dresses talking and smiling to their companies under the warm spring night sky, while I was in loose sporty suit, struggled and looked like an idiot. “Just go home and say goodbye to those poisons!” I shouted to myself.

  Struggles like this would happen a couple of times every month, but I found a way to destroy those evil desires: hanging my dream dress on the wall in my room, to remind me, no matter how hard the process would be, the beautiful result was worth waiting.

  Now I am not the old me anymore. I have fulfilled my plan and managed to put myself in that gorgeous dress. I can walk like a bird, not an elephant. And do you think I have stopped my plan? No, it has already been part of my life, only not that strict and tight as before, because I know that it can only be me myself who is responsible for my future and I cannot destroy what I have got from the past times—my strong will power and a healthy beautiful body.(648 words )




  2. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?


  【关键词】failure, affect, lessons






  During one winter vacation, I got a phone call from the sister of my friend’s. She asked with a worrying voice if I knew where my friend was, “she got mad at our little jokes about her new hairstyle and ran away from home”.

  Listening to what she said, I felt a strong sense of familiarity, same story but happened on different person. Yes, I used to be that short-tempered and could easily hurt people who were close to me when things did not follow my will.

  When I was just stepped in middle school, the closest friend I had got was my deskmate. Contrary to my quiet and serious look, she was outgoing and talkative, very popular in school. At first, we got along with each other quite well, and thanks to her, I made new friends with many other schoolmates. However, with time went on, I started to throw my manner away and lose temper at her because of some incredibly childish reasons, from “she failed to buy me the right food as I asked” to “I was cut in line”—everything that made me unhappy would trigger my dreadful silence towards her. Most of the time, she could just ignore my silence and keep talking to me to cheer me up, and I would soon recover from negative mood, acting like nothing happened.

  Obviously, this kind of friendship was too “healthy” to last long. Once, we were on our way to cafeteria with another friend who I told that I would get mad at whoever crossed my line, including my closest friends. To prove my cool and special character, I rolled my eyes towards my deskmate with no reason and out of a sudden, when she was too noisy talking about gossips, her face flashed unhappy at that time, but I was thinking that she would have been accustomed to my action mode, and would never take my irrational acts seriously. However, this time, she went away without a notice. What’s worse, I did not feel my wrongness but being pissed off by her leaving. I looked awful that day and did not response to anyone who tried to talk to me.

  As a result, I was isolated. It looked like that everything had got back to the original point where I got into middle school—did everything alone with no one’s help and company. But after I had tasted the sweet of friendship, how could I get over all the loneliness and hardships all by myself?

  “Haven’t you realized your moody and self-centred trouble?” That was her answer when I could not bear my isolated situation anymore and came to her to make up our friendship.

  Finally, I got to realize what exactly my problem was. Her words inspired me like a wakeup call. At that night, I thought about her words many times, with pictures that how I treated her with unfriendly tone or unpleasant faces; I was even reminded of my improper manner of dealing with my family. I hurt so many people that cared for me. They treated me with patience and tolerance, and I just took it all for granted. I ignored the truth that love should be mutual and in most circumstances, how you treat other people decided the way they would treat you.

  I decided to change my bad manner, learn empathy, switch from “I and my friend” to “my friend and I”. I posted a letter on my personal homepage and wrote one to my parents, reflecting on my immatureness and mistakes while expressing my deep regrets. As I harboured humbleness and care, everything became flow; even the negative feelings were less to hit me. My new life began.

  Now that my friend seemed to suffer from the same problem as I did before. A wakeup call was definitely needed to save her from self-torture. (647 words)




