
2022-06-08 09:31:59


  Task 1

  Which would you recommend to build for a university to enhance its students’ living and studying condition?


  Swimming pool

  Expand the scale of laboratories on campus.

  Sample response:


  From where I stand, I think the university should build a cafeteria with a lot features to attract more to come to rest. Firstly, cafeterias on campus are places for students to rest legs and study most of the time. Students sit together in a circle having sandwiches while talking about the assignments and experiments, in which the atmosphere would be quite harmonious. As a result, a cafeteria will give students one more place to stay during the break of two classes either on the daytime or at night.


  In my own perspective, I would more likely to suggest building several swimming pools. There are several reasons I would like to mention.

  Firstly, The truth is that students nowadays are all under extreme stress and yearn for ways to distress. Again, swimming pool is a perfect place for students to relax themselves after school or on holidays.

  The second reason is that it is always fun to play with friends at the pool. I still remember the game between my mates.


  In my own opinion, I think it is crucial for a school to strengthen its fundamental constructions like laboratories, recreation centers and stadiums. Also, it is so right to expand the scale of laboratories or upgrade its facilities. As a result, students can do experiments in appropriately equipped labs. On the other hand, school will at the same time be up-to-date.

  TASK 2

  Which one of the two patterns would help people to know each other better, meeting at the first sight or through long-term relationship?

  Sample response:

  I personally think people will get to know each other better through long-term relationship.

  There are several reasons I would like to mention.

  Firstly, it seems impossible for us to know a person at the first time. There are so many uncertainties left to discover. Take personality for example, people would naturally behave themselves or becoming stressed at the very first time of meeting.

  Secondly, if two individuals cannot build a bond between them, they wouldn’t give or show the true self to each other. Then they will not understand each other.

  3月13日托福口语TASK 3

  Reading: 学校要取消东校区的餐厅



  Listening: 男生不同意。



  Task 4

  Reading: 植物学说一些植物在不同时间产生种子来抵御困难的环境。

  Listening: 例子是,沙漠中的pepper grass 可以产生很多种子,一部分很快会sprouts, mature. 但是可能会在没有雨的时候dry out.但是他们可以用一部分继续增长。

  3月13日托福口语Task 5

  男生有一场演出,需要在 报纸上登信息,但是他错过了提交的截止日期。

  Solution1: 延迟演出,可以登通知来吸引关注,但是预定地点非常难。

  Solution2: 可以贴海报来吸引观众。


  教授讲了关于广告学相关的一个术语叫做 product recognization.说广告为什么这么重要。主要是要一遍一遍的重复,在电视媒体上,这样人们对于他的认知度才会提高。 相对于人们没听过名字的产品,人们会选择熟悉的产品。
