
2022-06-10 20:19:46


  T1 Describe a character in a book,film , poem, explain why you like it.

  T2 Are children the most difficult challenge parents can face in their life? Please state your opinion with well developed reasons.

  T3 【学校通知】:

  学校要在校内建hotel, 有两个好处:好处1:方便学生的朋友和家长来探访;好处2:价格便宜,40美元一晚


  理由1:家长以前来探访很麻烦,要从another side of the town drive long way to visit, 没有车更麻烦,要坐好久公交车,有了这个hotel就很方便了;

  理由2:学校的hotel价格便宜,the nearest hotel is really expensive, 去年她室友的父母想来探望,结果因为那个hotel太贵,要90美元一晚而取消了行程。

  T4 动物受益于人类环境。

  Animals benefit from human environment. For example, doves can be seen on campus buildings or on the ground. They think it's safe to raise their children here. Also students feed them with meat and vegetables, so it's also easy for them to get a big meal.

  T5 【学生困难】:女生所在的radio club要招新,负责招聘的同学病了,明天不能去了。 【解决方案】:女生自己说出两个方案。

  方案1:女生自己去,但是明天有group meeting, 时间冲突。

  方案2:她室友愿意帮忙,室友不是club member, 但她人很nice, 还喜欢talk to others, 可以招到更多人。

  T6 说的是关于公司增长的。每年年底,公司都会做总结和预算,来计划下一年。总结后,会想办法提高下一年的收益。一般来讲有两种办法可以促进公司的增长。

  第一种,是内部方法。投入公司内部的预算,比如购置新的机器,对员工进行培训等。然后以 Wilson 为例。一开始,公司有很多很老的机器,工作效率很低。后来公司换了新的机器,工作效率一下提高了。这样,吸引了很多新的顾客到店里,因为大家很快就能结账,节省很多时间。越来越多的顾客喜欢这种很快就能结完帐的感觉。因此公司有了很多新的客户,公司得到了增长。

  第二种,是外部方法。就是在投资购买相似的企业。购买相似企业的同时,还会得到企业的客户,这就是公司能够增长的关键。还是以 Wilson 为例。Wilson 并购了周围很多的超市,同时也得到了超市的顾客。顾客一般不会因为超市变了名字就不去了。因此,用这种并购相似企业的方法,Wilson 得到了很多原来超市的客户,使公司得以成长。问题:公司成长的方式有什么。文中如何论证。


  W1 综合:oppose against the law that prohibits importing. Buying, selling the non-native species in U.S

  1, people fear that their pets will be taken away by authorities 听力:法律禁止买卖,但不会拿走人们现在的宠物。现在的宠物是国内的,不在禁止范围。E.g. one person has tropical fish; the fish will not be taken away, but the owner cannot buy the non-native tropical fish in the future

  2. It is expensive to implement the law because government has to spend a lot on the study of nonnative animals 听力:非本土物种造成的破坏更加大,是不可估计的损失;比如Florida 的一种蛇Burmese Python (Google 来的,有幻灯片显示拼写)

  3. 非本土物种可能不会造成威胁,比如Belgian rabbits are nonnative ,but it will not establish in the northeast of U.S because the weather is really cold 听力:本土物种会造成威胁,破坏当地物种。Belgian rabbits carry Myxoma virus(Google 来的,有幻灯片显示拼写) They kill a lot of native animals and kill almost 99% of native rabbits.

  W2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government is not educating people enough about the importance of living a balanced and healthy life style.

