
2022-05-30 03:46:04



  T1 If you have a chance to give a lesson in an elementary school, what topic would you like to teach: 1. How to protect the environment. 2.How to grow plants. 3.How to cook simple and healthy food. Please explain your choice with specific reasons.

  T2 Do you prefer to live in a residence where there are strict rules (such as rules against making loud noises at night), or do you prefer to live in a residence without strict rules.

  T3 这名学生认为,大学应该创建一个特殊的网站,学生音乐家,由于两点原因。

  The student suggests that the university should create a special website for student musicians due to two reasons. The first reason is that it will be easier to get in touch with people who share the same interests with them. The second reason is that it will be a convenient way to post information about concerts and events. In the conversation, the woman agrees with the suggestion. In the first reason, she mentions that she started a band with some of her friends and they always practice together, but they’re missing a good drummer in the band. If there was a website like this, it would be much easier for them to find a drummer for their band. As for the second reason, the woman points out that there are few people there when she goes to campus concerts and stuff because people don’t know about these events, this website could help people stay updated about music-related events on campus.

  T4 fast following,一个全新的产品,第一家公司做广告之后,第二家公司过段时间follow,效益比第一家的好这种现象。让你解释这个定义。business class介绍了fast following这个concept,which means一些公司不愿意be the first to try new products,于是如果别的公司推出了innovative的new product,他们会快速效仿。例子是一video game company颠覆传统,用感应人的动作的movement sensor代替controller,市场反应很好。于是另外一家公司马上效仿这个做法,而且还improve了他们的graphic quality,所以市场上人们都灰常like it and buy it。

  T5 【学生困难】:男生想办个poetry reading 在coffee house, 但是coffee house 只能提供一个小时,一共有二十个人报名, 在一个小时里不可能reading完【解决方案】: 女孩建议: 1. 只让先报名的十名同学来reading 但是 会让其他人disappointed 2. 换一个lecture house, which is available entire evening 但是可能大家就没有东西吃了【问题】: Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.

  T6 广告里的名人效应。说名人做广告当然很好,但是有两点风险。第一是人们太关注明星而忽视了产品,举了个pizza的例子,人们只注意看那个知名的喜剧演员了,谁都不去注意pizza,结果pizza卖得不好。第二是有时候名人前后表现不一致,举了电脑的例子,某名人在做广告时说她最喜欢XX电脑,但接受杂志采访时又说其实自己不用电脑,结果这电脑也滞销了。


  W1 墨西哥的一个部落无缘无故没落了,passage讲原因





  1. residental structure 外族没摧毁,不太可能只摧毁political 和religious的

  2. 干旱100年一次,以前干旱发生过几次,都survive了,而且干旱只有few years

  3. 这个部落有 obsteain 这种meterial 和其他部落交换食物、木材,不用砍树。

  W2 When making major purchase (for example, car or laptop), our decisions can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following sources of information can influence your decision.

  (1) Recommendations from friends or colleagues

  (2) Information from media (for example, TV, magazines, newspapers)

  (3) Recommendations from sales person in the store

