
2022-05-21 00:27:47





  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to have facilities rather than hire more teachers.





  1. 首先,先进的教学设施可以为学生提供一个更好的学习环境。学生在先进的教学设备的帮助下能够把一些比较枯燥的知识记得更牢。没有设备,老师也很难把抽象概念具体化,学生的学习过程缺乏趣味和效率。

  2. 其次,尖端的设备也能够吸引更多专业的老师和教授。对老师来说,先进的设施有助于他们继续深入对于各自专业学科领域的研究,保持精进。陈旧的教学和研究设施不能激发老师学术研究的积极性。

  3. 诚然,增加更多的教师,可以使更多的学生受到关注,可以激励和积极地引导学生。但是权衡两者,还是教学设备带来的好处更多。


  utilize: 利用

  tedious: 枯燥的

  repetitious: 重复的

  engraft: 灌输

  graven: 铭记

  enthusiastic: 热情的

  respective: 各自的

  priority: 优先


  Cradles of cultivating talents, universities are supposed to provide most high-caliber education. Responding to the expectation, universities have to think the issue over. Compared with hiring more teachers, from my own perspective, keeping facilities and resources in the universities most advanced and updated is more essential not only for students but also for renowned professors.

  First of all, students are able to enjoy a better study environment if their schools utilize advanced equipment. With the assistance of exquisite inventions such as electronic screen and projectors, as well as laboratory equipment, like microscopes and chemical reactors, studying would no longer be a tedious and repetitious information engrafting process, but a way everyone would like to get involved in. Similarly, definitions and formulas of physics and chemistry will graven in students’ minds deeply if they are aided by the equipment when experimenting. However, hardly can professors crystalize abstract concepts into definite ideas without advanced teaching devices.

  What is more, as for famous teachers themselves, a university that does not invest in its facilities would be appealing. To be constantly enthusiastic on researching their respective academic fields, teachers have a great demand for exquisite facilities to maintain progressing on their own fields. The most sophisticated technological devices offered in universities enable these teachers to conduct successful researches and remain at the top, which is really attractive to those renowned professors. By contrast, old and obsolete teaching and studying facilities will certainly not inspire teachers to keep further academic researching. Also, practically impossible will teachers have interest in making progress.

  Granted, it is conceded that hiring more teachers in universities means guaranteeing education quality in some sense because every student will be concerned and cared about. Even slightest and most subtle academic performance changes of students will be noticed; therefore, teachers can encourage and guide frustrated and upsetting students in time. However, while weighing the benefits brought by investing in facilities and hiring more teachers, we can conclude that facilities are more worthwhile.

  In conclusion, I should reiterate that universities should update their facilities, making a top priority. Without advanced facilities, a university will not be helped further improved.


  The passage mainly discusses the golden mask uncovered by Heinrich Schliemann is fake by listing 3 reasons. However, the lecturer casts doubt on the writer’s view, believing that the golden mask is an item from Ancient Greek.

  Firstly, in the reading passage, Schliemann has a reputation of faking his discovery. On the contrary, the professor says that although he did have the reputation, it is not easy to fake this mask because there is a supervisor assigned by Greek government to closely supervise and monitor Schliemann’s work. This is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

  Secondly, the professor opposes reading’s idea that some features of the golden mask are very different from real ones from Ancient Greek. He states that a golden mask of lion, which was proved an authentic antique, also has similar lips, nose, and hair.

  Finally, the professor disapproves the reading’s idea that it is a suspicious behavior that Schliemann immediately shut down the site where the mask was discovered. On the other hand, the professor explains that Schliemann shut down the site because he was not a real archeologist but a treasure hunter, who tends to close the site immediately after he depleted all the valuable things in the site.

