
2022-05-22 05:01:38




  T1 Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him?

  T2 When a friend is coming to visit your place, do you prefer a surprise visit or to be informed ahead of time?

  T3 Reading: student think that university should create a program lead students to visit mentors in office place because 1.they can discuss about academic activities in school; 2. the students will learn more about the future career from the mentors. Listening: the woman disagrees with the statement because she though students are so bust that they don't have time to visit office places off campus. Also there is Student Center on campus to help them answer these questions and it open all day, which is convenient to students. However, most students don't know about it because it hasn't been advertised in appropriate way. Second, it's enough to get advice from our parents, academic adviser and professor. Getting advice form more than one people would be overarm and may make students confused.

  T4 Elation Effect

  When employees of a company or organization are given a higher rate of compensation or pay for their work, they may respond by doing higher quality work, or by working more quickly and accomplishing more work in the same amount of time. This is known as the elation effect. Some psychologists think the elation effect may occur as a result of positive emotions—feelings of joy or elation—that employees experience when their compensation or pay increases. The elation effect is temporary, however. Over time employees tend to return to previous levels of quality and speed.

  T5 P: 妹子说朋友CAROL又找她复习功课。她自己要复习后天的生物考试。朋友这个坏毛病很久了,总是在最后关头让帮忙。解决办法



  T6 Predator有两种方法隐藏自己以接近猎物。一是physical adaption,比如狮子的毛和非洲草原的颜色差不多,因此不易辨认;二是behavioral adaption, 比如猎豹当猎物看它时就不动,猎物不看它时就继续跟着直到足够近的距离。


  W1 南极冰川下有个湖,证据显示湖里有complex organisms。

  三个理论支持:1.冰块样本的RNA分析,有complex organism的RNA

  2. 一种常常在火山口生活的细菌也存在湖里,因此说明有火山提供overgenerous

  3.一种湖里有寄生细菌,因此湖里有更高级的host organisms.

  三个反对点: 1.冰块被不干净的钻探设备污染


  3. 寄生菌有两种生存方式,要么寄生在host上,要么live independently

  W2 As the leader of a city, what would you do to ensure the prosperity and success of the city? A. creating job opportunities for the unemployed; B. lowering food price; C. providing affordable housing

