
2022-05-25 10:31:00




  Persuasion (Chapter 4 ) (节选)

  He was not Mr. Wentworth, the former curate of Monkford, however suspicious appearances may be, but a Captain Frederick Wentworth, his brother, who being made commander in consequence of the action off St Domingo, and not immediately employed, had come into Somersetshire, in the summer of 1806; and having no parent living, found a home for half a year at Monkford. He was, at that time, a remarkably fine young man, with a great deal of intelligence, spirit, and brilliancy; and Anne an extremely pretty girl, with gentleness, modesty, taste, and feeling. Half the sum of attraction, on either side, might have been enough, for he had nothing to do, and she had hardly anybody to love; but the encounter of such lavish recommendations could not fail. They were gradually acquainted, and when acquainted, rapidly and deeply in love. It would be difficult to say which had seen highest perfection in the other, or which had been the happiest: she, in receiving his declarations and proposals, or he in having them accepted.


  文章大意:作者没有让读者猜测太多,很快就指明女主 Anne 喜欢并不是 Mr Wentworth,而是他的哥哥 Captain Frederick Wentworth,一个在 Anne 看来非常有魅力的男子。但是一个现实的问题就是 captain 并不是一个 wealthy man,钱包空空如也,而且他也没有上流的资源能够帮助他去填满自己的钱包。因此家人劝Anne 他俩最好分开,而 Anne 当时也听信了。


  Your Speech Is Packed with Misunderstood, Unconscious Messages

  Imagine standing up to give a speech in front of a critical audience. As you do your best to wax eloquent, someone in the room uses a clicker to conspicuously count your every stumble, hesitation, um and uh; once you’ve finished, this person loudly announces how many of these blemishes have marred your presentation.




  1. The Origin of a Little Tyrant

  The name “Nanotyrannus” is a polarizing one. Depending on who you ask, the remains attributed to the controversial dinosaur represent a small-bodied tyrannosaur distinct from Tyrannosaurus, the juvenile form of a previously unknown tyrannosaur genus, or the long-sought bones of young Tyrannosaurus. Even before the debate about dinosaur growth stages blew up last year with the suggestion that Torosaurus is a mature Triceratops, paleontologists were arguing over what, exactly, “Nanotyrannus” was.

  文章大意:本篇文章讨论的核心就是 what, exactly, “Nanotyrannus” was王龙不同的一种小霸王龙(一种未知的暴龙的幼年形式),还是长期寻找的年轻霸王龙的骨头。通过对各种标本的研究对该问题给出进一步的推测。


