
2022-06-02 15:32:41

  本次考试文法部分可以说是非常容易,只要常考的语法知识点掌握到位,基本的篇章类题型解法、思路熟练,提前做完是没有问题的。考了一些常见词汇和搭配:比如advance(推动、促进)、maybe和may be的区别,weary和wary的区别(be wary of, 对…谨慎); hazardous, reach后面可以接conclusion等等。另一方面,以往的难度较高/易错题型(如就近修饰--本次没有考察,句子删除保留,词汇题里introduction and conclusion, transition(previous/next sentence), Logical sequence等干扰选项设置迷惑性不强)但值得注意的是,关于同位语双逗号的考察本次试卷出现了2次。


  1. 纯语法题型

  对于标点符号题,本次考试中逗号, 冒号, 分号的使用都有所涉及。还有其它题型,例如标点符号、代词指代、句子合并题、平行结构题、主谓一致/时态、固定搭配与形近词辨析(maybe/may be; weary/wary)。考察内容都是之前OG和真题中出现过的知识点, 没有特别大的难度。

  2. 与文章相关的题型:

  对于文章相关的题型,主要有:段落/全篇主旨题;句子加减题/逻辑顺序题: 根据上下文内容进行句子增加, 删节, 以及排序;逻辑词题(注意无逻辑关系的题目);文章结构题等。

  3. 图表题:

  此次考试中出现的图表题, 需要结合文章内容来找出正确的选项。


  1 .Agriculture Grows Up

  conventional agriculture versus vertical agriculture

  2.A Singer Finds Her Voice (话题重复2017.11 北美真题第三篇,考点分布不同)

  讲一个著名的歌手Nina Simone是如何通过她的音乐推广民权运动(Civil Right Movement)。

  How It South to Be Free: The Voice of Nina Simone

  [1]When singer-songwriter Nina Simone walked onto the stage at the Jazz

  Festival in Monlreux, Switzerland, in 1976,she had already been known as the” High priestess of Soul” for two decades. [2] Instead, she stood there in the spotlight—grave and statuesque in a black gown, and waited for the applause to end. [3] Throughout the 1960s, Simone’s songs helped articulate the pain, sorrow, and dreams of the civil rights movement better perhaps than did any other African American artist of her generation. [4] In Switzerland, Nina Simone—the diva, the jazz pianist, the activist, the balladeer—took the stage as if it were her pulpit. [5] As the crowd’s applause swelled up to greet her, she did not wave or smile. [6] When the auditorium was silent at last, she sat down at her piano and began to sing. 25

  Having trained as a classical pianist, Simone hoped to attend the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Perhaps it was true: while her pianism was precise, Simone’s voice was considered to be too spontaneous and organic for classical music. Simone sang in contralto, the lowest—and the rarest—female singing register. This low range gave Simones voice a deep, rich timbre and an air of commanding authority.

  While Simone’s vocal range may not have been the widest, her emotive range was vast: from sultry sadness to explosive anger, from profound joy to wistful heartbreak. Concerned less with the technical perfection of her singing than with the feeling she conveyed to her audience, Simone took inspiration of gospel, folk, and jazz and found a voice uniquely her own. Therefore, Simone was always strong-willed, and she resisted singing the sweet nothings audiences wanted to hear. In her performances, Simone was as unpredictable— having been born in Tryon, North Carolina, in 1933—as she was uncompromisingly earnest. Even when Simone sang jazz standards or contemporary pop songs, she sang from deep inside herself, trying again to find the soul of the song anew and determined to sing nothing but the truth.

  When Simone sang, “I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free” at the 1976 concert in Montreux, her voice was soaring and defiant. After listing the many ways she wished she could be free, Simone deviated from the typical ending of the song. She worked it up to a frenzied crescendo: “how it feels not to be chained to anything, to any race, to any faith, to anybody...to anything. “And when she turned and sang directly to the audience, “I know how to be free,” it was hard not to believe her.

  3.The Inner Working of Work

  围绕一个核心概念(Industrial and organizational psychology)展开,提出公司的productivity取决于员工的满意程度。

  4.The Road to Recovery

  讲述濒临灭绝的物种没有很好地被保护,原因是对于endangered species的定义过于模糊,比较了两个法案ESA(对于endangered species分类更少更严格)和ICUN (有图表)得出对“endangered species”更清晰的定义。
