
2022-05-31 04:40:14


  1. OC-Test 5-Section 2-5

  The employer blamed the staff member's lack of productivity on ______ rather than incompetence, claiming that the man knew how to do his job but was too lazy to apply himself.

  A. infatuation

  B. tension

  C. indigence

  D. indolence

  E. tenacity

  2. 0601-Section 4-3

  The child had a tendency toward aggressive behavior, a ______ fighting rather than resolving differences amicably.

  A. propensity for

  B. confusion about

  C. disregard of

  D. hostility toward

  E. compunction about

  3. OC-Test 3-Section 5-4

  The representative was a traditionalist, reluctant to support any legislation inconsistent with the nation's most ______ principles.

  A. orthodox

  B. impassioned

  C. precarious

  D. impressionable

  E. indeterminate

  4. OC-Test 4-Section 8-3

  Mrs. Rodriguez was under the impression that discipline would ______ her wayward student's academic progress rather than advance it.

  A. condone

  B. foster

  C. quicken

  D. exalt

  E. hamp

  grievous: causing grief or suffering 令人伤心或痛苦的; (of sth bad) severe; serious (指坏事)剧烈的, 严重的:

  expansive: able or tending to expand 可扩大或伸展的; 有扩大或伸展性的: willing to talk a lot; unreserved (指人﹑ 态度等)健谈的, 豪爽的, 开朗的

  Imposter 骗子;,冒名顶替者

  Charlatan 庸医;江湖骗子

  特殊词对比答案: D A A E

